Cobweb succulent problems! How to get rid of them?

Cobweb succulent or Sempervivum arachnoideum is a species of plants and belong to the Crassulaceae family. The actual meaning of its name is always alive spire web. It produces a mat of fleshy green or reddish-green leaves with white cobweb-like strings over them. And this is why it is also called spider succulent.

The Rosettes of spider succulent turn about three to five inches in size when they mature. When given sufficient space, they grow babies create a tight mat that gradually fills the entire container. It has a fibrous root system and thus grows with slight encouragement. You can use these stunning succulents on your wall, in gardens, or in any space where a tight-fitting and spreading plant enough has room to grow.

Cobweb succulent in outdoor garden

This succulent has a small height of a maximum of three inches, but has got very distinguished look. The Webs make a unique design by spreading from leaf tip to tip and meeting in the center. There are multiple sempervivum arachnoideum varieties available, that could beautify your outdoor garden to another level.  

The Cobweb hens and chicks are comparatively quicker growing succulents, but there are common instances of spider web succulent dying after producing flowers. However, this does not affect the beauty of the plant as there are several ways by which you can save their existence.

Despite being easy to grow, these gorgeous succulents have some flaws that may steal their beauty. And one must take utmost care of their spider succulent to save them from dying or damage. 

Common cobweb succulent problems 


Common rust is a fungal infection that attacks many plants and succulents, and also is a scare for cobweb succulent. It usually affects mature plants where symptoms are seen mostly on the lower surfaces of the leaves. To notice rust, look for white bumps or spots on the bases of leaves and stems.

After a few days, these spots turn into reddish-orange micro masses. And later, without treatment, the leaf pustules turn yellow-green and ultimately black. Severe infection can lead to deformation and spider web succulent dying.

Rusting problem in spider succulent

The black spores from rust are seen on leaves and stem in the fall and winter season over them stems of you succulent. They can transmit by wind or water to the other healthy foliage.

The primary cause of rust is less exposure to light and then exposing the plant to intense sunlight. Cobweb succulent need a sufficient amount of warmth to survive and avoid shifting them immediately to a cold environment. If you want to place a succulent in outdoors, gradually start moving it till it gets used to the surroundings. 

Treating rust disease– 

  1. Go for rust-resistant plants type.
  2. Remove and dispose of the leaves with infestation and regularly inspect for fallen leaves in the container.
  3. Preferably water your plant in the early morning hours and avoid keeping them near sprinklers. Give your succulent enough time to dry out during the daytime. You can use drip irrigation to help keep leaves dry.
  4. Avoid using excess nitrogen and prefer organic fertilizers for your succulent and learn tips for how to take care of cobweb succulent

Vine Weevil

Vine weevils are damaging garden beetles that feed on healthy cobweb succulent all the time. The grown weevils attack your plant from spring to summer, while the young ones suck on them from autumn to spring.

The weevils are black and have a yellow mark on them. They are tiny but, the female weevils can lay hundreds of eggs in their season. They do not just feed on your plant but leave bite marks with irregular cuts on the leaf margins. These are mainly seen in the summer seasons when the adults are energetic. 

Vine weevil

Adult vine weevils do not kill your cobweb succulent but cause severe damage making them look like an ill one. However, the underground grubs feed on the roots cause more severe damage resulting in plant death.

Treatment of vine weevils– 

  1. Keep a constant check on your plants to remove weevils, especially during the summer season. You can remove them by hand or by slightly shaking the plant over with paper. Also, you can trap them by keeping sticky traps around your container.
  2. Also, remove grubs that are usually present around the root area in the soil of your succulent. Try to remove all of them from your spider succulent.
  3. Decrease their food supply and disappoint vine weevils by growing plants that they do not like to eat. Fragrant plants like Lavender, Geranium macrorrhizum, Lemon Balm, and Mint do not attract the vine weevils. 
  4. Creatures like frogs and birds will keep the weevils away. These creatures eat the weevils, and thus it will prevent them from entering your garden.
  5. Nematodes are active in killing the grubs in the soil when the soil is at 5 degrees Celsius. They keep them away from both deep soil and containers.
  6. Try spraying liquid drench to the compost, especially during the summer seasons. It will help you to keep your plant away from grubs and weevils and will spare you from the sight of spider web succulent dying.

Root Rot

While un-potting your succulents, if you notice that their roots have become dark brown or black, they are signs of root infestation. This problem can haunt other all sempervivum arachnoideum varieties with same disastrous effect.

Root rot

If the root rot has spread to the leaves and stem, they will turn yellow. And over some time, the leaves of your cobweb will become soggy. If only the lower leaves turn yellow then it is because you are overwatering your succulent. And if the top leaves become pale, it indicates nutrient deficiency. 

Succulents do not require a lot of water, and if they are frequently, damp the roots suffocate and start rotting. So, ensure you give your cobweb the correct amount of water.

Treating root rot– 

  1. The ultimate cure is to allow your cobweb succulent to dry. However, this method might not work always. It will only work when the rot has spread to the roots of your plant. It does not work when the entire plant is suffering from damage. So, ensure that you dry your plant entirely and do not water it again till it is healthy.
  2. The next thing you can do is when you notice rot, and you are changing the pot, trim the pat with the infestation to prevent your plant from dying. However, ensure you do not cut healthy roots but only the infected ones. A few centimetres above the rot is okay to remove the entire infestation and from new healthy endings.
  3. Sulphur can protect the delicate spider web succulent dying from infections by bacteria and fungi. However, Sulphur can also harm essential microbes, and this is its drawback. Yet, it is vital to know that it does not help cure the rotten roots. If you want to use Sulphur, ensure the succulent is completely dry when you are sprinkling Sulphur over them.

Leaf rot 

Dead leaves on the upper region may be a result of over or under watering your spider succulent. The soil can affect your succulent’s health and lead to damage if it is inappropriate.

If your plant has yellow and soggy transparent leaves and feels mushy on touching, it is probably a result of overwatering your plant. Swelling in leaves is a sign of overwatering as well.

Leaf rot

A sign of overwatering is your leaves will fall off even by touching them. Succulents can get tricky when it comes to watering them. So, ensure you observe and know your plant well before doing anything. 

Treating Leaf rot–

  1. The best way to treat leaf rot is by managing the watering of your cobweb succulent. Observe and wait and use soil that does not hold water.
  2. Keep it in a warm and dry place for a while if there is extra moisture in the soil. And if the cause is under-watering, take a spray bottle and moisten the topsoil for best results. 
  3. Changing the location of your succulent can also help enough if in better health and growth.

For additional information on taking care of cobweb succulent, you can check this video

It’ll give you more understanding about this plant and tips for taking care. 

Overall summary for cobweb succulent lovers

Now that you know about the cobweb succulent problems, you can effectively treat them and turn them into healthy plants again. Performing the tasks is quite simple and does not consume a lot of time and energy. Also, you will be able to do it all by yourself without any external aid. Taking care of your garden is simple all you require is the right guide!

With confidence and assurance, take care of your cobweb succulent as they belong to your lovely garden. You can expand your garden into your likable space and type. We hope this article has given you a solution for your cobweb. To know more about succulents, check out other blogs for better understanding and knowledge of how to take care of cobweb succulent.