Jade Plants Problems: A General Guide

One of the most popular succulent houseplants is Jade plants that are easy to grow and add a great impression to your space. They are preferably indoor plants that have a long life span. Despite being easy-to-care plants, these succulents have some common issues that occur on treating them inappropriately.

Check this video, it will help in giving you even better knowledge and reveal insights to take care of your succulent.

The Jade plants have a miniature, tree-like guise because of their dense, woody stems and oval-shaped leaves. Their look makes them impressively alluring to be a great decorative houseplant. They have a long life span and, this is a generational blessing for these succulents. Also, they grow approximately three feet in height in indoor environments. 

The succulent adapts well to the dry and warm conditions found in homes. It is essential to regularly water the plants in dry seasons like summer and spring. Also, make sure the Jade plants do not get excessively dry during the rainy and winter season. However, watering this plant is tricky, so get access to the right knowledge to prevent your jade plant from rotting.  Jade plants can be grown outdoors that has a dry and warm atmosphere. They are highly vulnerable to cold impairment, so avoid planting them in outdoor environments with cooler temperatures. In such cases, it is better to grow them in a container that is dry and take them indoors when the temperature falls below 50 Fahrenheit.

Few common problems that jade plants face:

1. Overwatering symptoms

Overwatered Jade Plants

Jade Plants have water-storing capabilities in their leaves, tissues, and stems. They can survive without water for long. However, when a succulent gets extra moist, its leaves and tissues begin to swell up and ultimately erupt. 

2. Edema or Brown Scale

Brown Scale on Jade Plants

This condition occurs when a Jade Plants absorb more water from roots than the leaves are releasing. The extra water clogs in the plant tissue, resulting in swellings that initially look like small bumps. These blisters can combine and form massive lesions. After the sores burst and dry out, a tiny brown spot is left behind. Also, the affected leaves can turn yellow and fall off.

3. Yellow Wrinkled Leaves.

Yellow Wrinkled Leaves in Jade Plants

This is a usual result of overwatering but can also have other reasons. If there is any sign of rot, then you need to stop overwatering the plant. In case the plant continues to weaken even after you stop the watering, then check its roots. It is a shared symptom, but the main effect is that yellow leaves are seen more often and in mass.

4. Dropping Leaves and Branches

Overwatering your jade plants is going to result in the loss of leaves. The leaves become excessively soaked with water causing swelling and resulting in fall. When the shedding is because of overwatering, the plant drops the leaves even with a slight touch.    

5. Root Rot Symptoms

Root Rot Symptoms in Jade Plants

Root rot is happening to succulents because of inadequate drainage of water. When the soil does not release the extra moisture, the root damages as the plant gets more water intake than it is giving out. So, water your plant only when it is necessary.

6. Soft Leaves

Overwatering results in delicate, mushy leaves that might also look shrunken. These conditions are where people tend to misunderstand the plant. They think they are under-watering the plant but do not realize that it an outcome of overwatering. If you are overwatering your jade plants, this can also result in dry leaves. However, apart from shrinking, they also look translucent and mushy. It means your plant has absorbed excess water and cannot take any more. 

7. Black Leaves

After overwatering your jade plants for a time, the leaves rot and turn black. It usually occurs from the core of the plant and works its way up. When this begins, your plant has started rotting or has caught a fungal disease infection due to ample water.

Signs of Underwatered Jade Plants

Succulents are highly adapted to dry growing environments to withstand long periods of drought or warm, arid situations. Jade plants store water in their tissues of stem and leaves to remain moist when they are in dry conditions. However, this does not mean that they do not require water at all.

Dried Up Leaves

Dry leaves in a common symptom of both overwatering and under-watering the Jade plants. However, in this case, the leaves turn wrinkly and shrink as the water storage level keeps dropping. Your Jade plant will start looking saggy and lifeless as the condition worsens.

Brown and dead leaves

Plenty of dry leaves and dead leaves will start dropping from the bottom. As its water storage starting dropping, the bottom leaves begin to dry out first. Some plants will also shed dry leaves to preserve water and energy for existence.

Flat leaves

On touching jade plants, they will feel straight and delicate. But, if they will start losing their firmness and shape. When your Jade is looking dull, you need to start making changes to bring life to it again.

Air Roots

They form on the succulent when it fails to get enough water. On noticing air roots, know that your jade plants are telling you they need more watering. However, air roots could also form due to lack of sunlight so understand the problem before you conclude.

Excess sunlight symptoms

Succulents love sunlight and need at least four to six hours of sun each day. However, if you expose the jade plants to direct sunlight for quite a time, it will start getting sunburn. If you notice any pale red marks on the leaf’s margins, know that it’s time to shift your Jade indoor.  

Also, immediately shifting an indoor succulent to direct sunlight is not a great option. Start slowly, and then you can transfer it if you wish to.

Limited sunlight symptoms 

No access to sunlight can make your jade plants look tall and thin. These plants need the appropriate amount of everything to bloom at their best. So, ensure you give your succulent its most likable sunlight for a few hours a day. 

Diseases and pests


Mealybugs or scale might hide on the back of leaves and under stems. It is a white cottony residue. They secrete a sugary substance that promotes the growth of mold. It also increases the chance of bacterial and fungal infection. To get rid of them, use a spray bottle of water, or wipe them off gently. 

You can either wipe them with rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab or an insecticidal soap. Repeat the treatment once a week to see the best results, and make sure you keep these plants away from healthy jade plants

White spots on leaves

The presence of white spots could also be a result of mineral deposits. It is a cause of excess salt in your water or overfertilizing the Jade plant. This high salt deposit can damage the plant and burn its roots and hamper its ability to absorb moisture. To prevent this, you can use rainwater or set the water outdoor 24 hours before using it. Also, you can wipe out the leaves with a moist towel to restore shine.

Powdery Mildew

This condition is often seen in winters when the jade plants do not receive enough sunlight. Due to extra moisture build-up, the plant tends to form white spots on the leaves resulting in fungal spores. It is easily treatable at home, and to prevent it, keeps your succulent dry in winters.


They are of two types of scale, and it is the most common pests that infect the succulents. If you see brown spots on the leaves, then your jade plants are suffering from a scale. These insects feed on the sap leading to damage and making them prone to diseases.

You can either remove these bugs with your hand or spray them off immediately. Also, a solution of neem oil and water works best to get rid of scales. However, do this treatment at night to avoid burning your plant.

Tips to take care of your Jade plants


This helps in restoring the nutrients in your soil. The soil loses nutrients after watering for a while. So, by re-potting the succulent, you help your jade plant get its nutrient and promote healthy growth.


Root rot may not always be treatable by remedies and limitations. When there is severe rot, propagate the plant and replant it to prevent your Jade plant from dying.

Now that you have a better understanding of your Jade plants, you can confidently heal your succulent and save it from dying. To know secrets and remedies to protect your jade plants check this video

Final Takeaway on Jade Plants

It will help in giving you even better knowledge and reveal insights to take care of your jade plants. I hope this blog is helpful and has given an answer to your problems. If yes, you can check out our other blogs to help you become a successful gardener of your estate.