Echeveria Problems- A Gardener’s Nightmare

What Echeveria Problems?

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Some gardeners complain of echeveria problems that harm this exquisite specimen of beauty. Before understanding what problems haunt this succulent type and how to deal with them, we need to understand the plant we are talking about.

Echeveria succulents are easy to care for, their likeness to the sun and average growth levels make them best for warm outdoors and dry lit interiors. Taking care of Echeveria is similar to other succulents, as the plant grows well in containers and sunny garden beds.

There are several echeveria succulent types with stunning tones and textures to make your garden beds look attractive. The succulent grows from thick-leaved rosettes. Their leaves are thick, fleshy, and have a wax-like cuticle on the exterior. They have colorful leaves, and touching them may leave marks on your skin.

Echeveria in garden

The succulent plant grows slowly and generally does not grow taller than 12 inches nor has a widespread. It is a native of Texas and Central America and prefers desert-like surroundings to grow. However, it can also grow in normal conditions if not given extra water and kept dry. An unglazed clay pot is best for your succulents, as it allows the moisture to evaporate and is suitable for their growth. Other than this, there is a need for well-draining soil and sufficient sunlight to avoid some common echeveria problems.

Is your succulent perfectly healthy? If not, the reason for the poor health of your plant is right here.

We all make minute gardening errors that need to be corrected for our plants to thrive. The most frequent causes are inappropriate watering and extra sun exposure. It is not difficult to find the issue and solve it. All you need is just good observation. In this article, you will discover the echeveria problems, and we will also give you tips on taking care of them.

The most common echeveria problems are:

Echeveria leaves falling off or dying

To start, let us be clear that the falling of leaves is a healthy and natural process, and each plant goes through this phase. It is not always necessary that your succulent is dying if its leaves are falling or something is wrong with it. When your succulent grows, it forms new leaves, and the older ones fall off.

Echeveria problems- leaves falling

So, if there are dry and dull leaves at the base of your succulent, then you do not need to worry about it a lot. It is a very usual thing! You can easily remove these dry leaves and get rid of them if you do not want them on your succulent. But, do show concern if you witness succulent leaves falling off when touched.

If the top of your plant has dry and dull leaves, it is time to start worrying and seeking a tool to solve the problem. Until then, dry leaves are healthy. Only ensure you do not let them gather in the soil of your succulent.

Overwatered succulent

The main reason that your succulent has dead leaves on the top is under-watering or overwatering succulent. If you see your succulent leaves turning yellow and soft, then it is suffering from overwatering. Along with that, they can also turn transparent, soggy, and mushy.

An early sign of overwatering is echeveria leaves falling off with a slight touch. If you begin to see black spots on the leaves or stem of your succulent, then over-watering is worsening. And it may become tough to save your succulent.

Few succulents are more subtle to over-watering than the rest. Echeveria succulents are one of the most delicate. Just in two or three days of overwatering, these succulent beauties will begin to rot.

Under-watering- A cause for grave echeveria problems

Just like over-watering plants is a common problem, plenty of succulents do not favor under-watering too. Some succulents like water more often than the rest so, observe your plant to meet its needs. If the upper leaves of your succulents are starting to shrink and get hard and crispy, then it’s undoubtedly time to provide your succulents with more moisture. So, ensure you are giving your plant sufficient water to it from echeveria problems.

Infestations and bugs- A welcome mat for other echeveria problems

There are similar common problems that affect succulents, like infestations. If you do not take good care of your plants’ pests will feed on them and end up killing them. It is essential to know how much sunlight, moisture, and weather conditions your succulent needs to grow well. There are some guidelines and measure you must follow to prevent these common echeveria problems.

Quick tips to prevent echeveria problems:

Weather conditions

Most of the echeveria succulent types thrive best in a patio planter, as they are originally from Mexico and Central America. They do not like cold weather and will die in chilly surroundings. However, if you live in winter-prone areas, you can still plant these beautiful colorful succulents.

Winters call for echeveria care indoors in order to keep them hale and hearty. And after the frost has gone, slowly transfer them back outdoor during the spring. Some people prefer planting them each spring as they do not like them as a houseplant.

Sunlight and warmth

Echeveria like full sunlight as they are from native lands with intense heat. Yet, prevent them in summer afternoon with full sun and sudden sunlight changes.  Excess sunlight will result in stress and ultimately in succulent leaves closing up. If you are planning to move your plants outside in the spring season, do it slowly. A couple of hours in the sunshine will do great before shifting them to full sun.

Direct afternoon sun can cause sunburn in the leaves and some parts of your succulents. Sunburnt leaves do not heal; and the leaves of this plant stay for long, thus making it look burnt. If the harm is extreme, cut the head off the succulent and re-grow from the start for the best results.

Echeveria problems- excess sunlight

In the winter, when your succulents are indoors, place them at the sunniest window inside your house. Your succulents will start stretching out if they do not get adequate sunlight. Preferably place your plants nearby a south-facing window to avoid echeveria problems.


The succulents, inside or outside, don’t like too much moisture, but they also dislike being extremely dry. We have found out that succulents like water more than people think. In indoor environments, dry home temperature dehydrates things even quicker. If your soil is dry, it will weaken the roots of your plant resulting in succulent leaves curling down.

While watering your plant, ensure you moisten the soil and not the rosette. Give it water till it drains out the base. Do this a few times. Then do not water your plant till the soil is dry. To ensure your succulent does not wet all the time. To help stop this, keep the container from sitting in a saucer full of water. The watering of your plant depends on weather conditions and temperature. The maximum echeveria problems witnessed are mostly because of inappropriate watering ways.


Like other succulents, this plant wants soil that drains fast. It helps in moisture intake and rotting of the roots. Many gardeners make their distinct blend of topsoil and perlite. Yet, good quality soil or a cactus mix works the best. To examine the right soil, you can use this technique. Squeeze some wet soil together, and if it crumbles apart after releasing, it is the best.

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You will often come across the word ‘sandy’ when it comes to succulent soils. It means your soil should be able to drain well. If you want echeveria problems to stay away, you will have to re-pot them. Changing the soil regularly after a few years helps in keeping them healthy and budding.


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Echeveria does not regularly need fertilizers, but their scarcity may result in echeveria leaves falling off. These plants grow well in soil that does not have a lot of nutrients. Thus, they are particularly vulnerable to fertilizer burn. Yet, they can profit from the additional boost occasionally. Use a slow-release compost at the start of spring or a dilute fluid fertilizer and spray it 2-4 times.


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While potting your succulents, you will come across a variety of containers from which you will choose. Usually, the least size possible is the correct choice. Gardeners also worry about over-potting. It happens when you use a big pot for a tiny plant. The problem is that more soil volume can grasp more moisture and overwatered succulent results in root rot.

Containers for succulents

However, the topsoil you use with succulents must have exceptional drainage, and bigger pots should not be a problem. Thus, look for a container that you think looks stunning, is either small or big, and plant your Echeveria succulent.

To know about why your succulent is dying and get tips for saving it, check this video at

It will give a better understanding of echeveria problems.

Now you are confident try to heal your succulent from the problems it is suffering. To know more about echeveria problems, check out other blogs for better understanding and knowledge. They will help you keep your plants healthy and expanding your garden successfully.