Pink Succulents – A New, Sweet Obsession

Every thought “How green is my garden?” or “Does it need some color?”

No denying the fact that the succulents spoil plant lovers for choice with a fine assortment of colors like green, blue red, pink succulents. So, it is definitely something you should take into consideration when it comes to sprucing up your garden.

Pink Succulents

In this article, we will discuss pink succulents and why they are skyrocketing in popularity.

Why Pink Succulents?

Pink Succulents

Pink succulents are easy to cultivate and care for as their green relatives. You have to provide them water, when the soil is completely dried out. And, a place with bright sunlight. These plants can change colors. Of course, it depends on the amount and intensity of light they receive. Moreover, you can have them paired with other succulent plants from spectrums of different colors. What a great way to make and call your home a multicolored paradise?

Pink is the color, which brings to mind roses or carnations to most of us. However, succulent plants provide an extensive spectrum of soft pinks from solid pinks, to just a touch of this enchanting color to add to the charm and beauty of your garden’s color palette.

What are the different types of Pink Succulents?

While the color pink is most often associated with roses, it can also be attributed to succulents (not all of them). Especially, which have stunningly beautiful pink colors.

Echeveria laui

Echeveria laui

The Echeveria laui is a native of Oaxaca, Mexico, and easily grow up to 6 inches in height. These pink succulents boast of rose-like blooms that can be up to 5 inches round. Its gray-blue color on the wide leaves harmonizes with the pink flowers flawlessly.

One of the best things about these flowers is that can prosper best in well-drained soil in a dry patch with complete access to sunshine. However, they are not completely frost-resistant to frost and need less water in warm months.

Pachyphytum Oviferum ‘Pink Moonstone Succulent’

Pachyphytum Oviferum

Also a native to Central Mexico, the Pachyphytum Oviferum has shades of peach colors merged with pink. Also known as the ‘Pink Moonstone’ (rather easier to pronounce), the base colors of these terrific succulents are mainly pinkish, but its leaves can be in the shade of purple-blue.

Leaves of the Pachyphytum Oviferum plant are covered in a silver or white film known as farina. Its flowers are small in size, around 4 inches in diameter, but this is not the case with stems. They can easily grow up to 8 inches in length making this wonderful plant a perfect ground cover or even a container plant with tendrils overflowing from the pot.

Their ideal spot is a somewhat sunny one and they don’t prefer frost. Not watering these plants regularly makes them propagate and harvested cutting is easy to enhance the base of your plant.

Sedeveria ‘Pink Granite’

sedeveria pink granite

Apart from their vivid shade, these plants cause no harm to pets. They’re a hybrid with pink leaves full of chunks and green stems with the minty color flowing onto the leaves. Its long stems and heavy flower cause the plant to fall over the side of their flowerpots. Make sure these plants are placed in a bright area, which is moderately exposed to sunlight.

Sedum rubrotinctum ‘Aurora’ – jelly bean succulent

Jelly Bean Succulent

This fantastic plant is known as Jelly Bean because of its bean shape. Blooms are small and yellowish-white, and the leaves are multicolored and thirst-quenching about 2 cm long. At the onset, the leaves are green and end with a pink tip. Its stems cultivate about 6 inches, but this fabulous pink succulents can grow to an area of approximately 36 inches.

Sedum rubrotinctum ‘Aurora’ or Jelly Bean succulent is also a native to Mexico. Not only is it easy to maintain but it does not require watering often. However, it does require less sun and excellent drainage.

Crassula ovata ‘Pink Beauty’

pink beauty

Dense stems and glittering leaves are premium feature of this plant. The blossoms in pink color are in the shape of a star and come with a soothing, fragile scent. Just ensure these pink succulents get full sunlight, however, it can do well in partial sunny spots also. It needs sporadic watering and hardly any in the winter season. It is easy to cultivate from the stems or leaves.

Crassula pellucida ‘Variegata’ or ‘Calico Kitten’

calico kitten succulent

Crassula pellucida ‘Variegata’ or ‘Calico Kitten’ is prevalent in South Africa. Many prefer having this plant in their gardens with its trailing, colorful captivating leaves with a heart shape. These pink succulents are perfect for hanging baskets or as ground cover. The stems of this plant with its delicate pink and green leaves can easily reach up to 12 inches in length.

This succulent thrives well in partial sun or indoors in a vibrantly illuminated area. Also, like other succulent plants, they don’t prefer frosty areas. Also, the cold weather is not favorable for them, and they need some form of protection in this season. On the whole, they are easy to propagate and are satisfying plants.

Graptopetalum paraguayense ‘Ghost Plant’

You will come across a multitude of plants that go by the name ‘Ghost Plant’, so don’t you get confused with others around? This plant is native to Mexico; & is graced with interesting leaves in triangular shape forming a rosette pattern. The rosettes can grow up to about 6 inches in diameter and boast the gorgeous hues of pink, purple, and blue. These plants are fond of the sun and will become pinker if they get more sunlight. Like other succulents, pink succulents are easy to grow from leaves or stem cuttings.

Why not want them all, when they are found in diverse shades, right from solid pinks to just a touch of pink.

Summing Up Pink Succulents

All of us love succulents! For the joy they bring in our lives, it is easy to see why we have developed an undying fascination for these eccentric pink succulents. Available in a wide range of sizes, colors, and shapes, these plants not only need a little care, but also look appealing in every sense of the word.