Burro’s Tail Sedum- A propagation and care guide

Burro’s tail sedum is a succulent that adapts well to warm and drought temperate regions, and as most of the succulent lovers require a similar one, the compelling need is to learn tips to propagate and care for burro’s tail sedum. If you want a succulent that thrives well in warm and dry areas, you must go for it.

About Burro’s Tail Sedum

The plant is generally also known as Donkey’s tail but, actually both are different plants.

However, while comparing burro’s tail vs. donkey tail, it’s hard to distinguish them apart from the shape of the leaves, as both share same origin and set of requirements. Burro’s tail has thick fleshy stems that look like knit leaves and are gray-green, green, or blue-green. This plant thrives best indoors in a container with good drainage and in areas where it gets sufficient sunlight to nourish itself. However, this multipurpose plant is one of the finest choices for houseplants as it grows well in succulent mix containers and hanging flower pots.

Burro's Tail Sedum

Nurturing and repotting Burro’s Tail

Do not introduce the baby Burro’s tail immediately to the sunlight once bought. Start shifting it slowly as it begins to adjust to the surroundings. Nurture it with sufficient moisture and fertilize the succulent with cactus food in its growing season. 

Diving and propagating the plant into different containers is essential as the growth area spreads. It will help keep the soil nutrient-rich and the plant healthy. Burros tail propagation is not very difficult and does not consume much time or efforts. Following steps will help you get insights into the entire concept of propagation and taking care of your Burro’s tail. 

Steps for successful Burro’s Tail propagation

Locate where to cut 

Deciding where to cut your Burro’s tail can get tricky. I would recommend that you know your succulent well before you start cutting it for propagation. Notice if there is any leaf loss or some gaps between the leaves. 

These might be some severe issues that are disturbing and harming your succulents. It could either be that your plant is not getting a sufficient amount of light. It is a common issue that all succulents face, and you can reverse it by knowing the right solutions for it. Burro’s tail sedum is a delicate and beautiful succulent that necessitates proper care and conditioning in every process. 

Cutting your Burro’s Tail Sedum

After you discover the stems of your plant, you can cut them easily. Treat it gently while you perform this task. Gradually come upwards from underneath while you are trying to cut the stem. Hold and wrap your fingers around the leaves. Then slowly lift it and make a gentle cut in between the gaps. Burro’s tail sunlight tolerating capacity is partial to bright shade, if any part has outgrown due to excess sunlight, cut that portion. Also, ensure you have a container to collect all the fallen leaves by your side. 

Burro's Tail Sedum propagation

Now you can slowly pluck the leaves from this stem cutting and ensure that you remove enough of them for the process of propagation. The primary motive is to treat them with utmost care to avoid any silly mistakes. It will prevent hampering the future growth of your healthy plant.

The process of repotting Burro’s Tail Sedum

All succulent requires callousing for the process of re-planting. Without this, the plant will not develop into a new sapling. So, be very careful that this step is done correctly and with adequate knowledge and understanding. The end of the stem can callous in two days. Yet, it is better to wait for five days for the Burro’s tail to complete callousing. 

Now, after callousing, make holes in the topsoil with a stick or pencil. After this, superficially place the cutting in the hole and push the stem into the topsoil. Pressing the stem cutting in the soil with help create a firm and strong grip that will be beneficial for burros tail propagation. Water the topsoil a little and place the container in indirect sunlight.

care for Burro's Tail Sedum in sunlight

The Burro’s tail loves sunlight, but I would suggest that, do not keep them in direct sunlight initially. Keeping them in direct sun will damage the tiny succulent, as burro’s tail sunlight handling capacity is low at the start.

Begin with indirect and then shift to direct sunlight for few hours a day.  

In case of broken leaves, they need to heal before you water the succulent again.

Sprinkling them around the stem cutting might help them grow. They start forming their tiny roots, and after a while, even new leaves begin to shoot from them. 

Nourishing you Burro’s Tail Sedum

It is essential to keep your plant thriving. Taking care of your Burro’s tail will help in healthy growth and a good look. So, ensure that you are giving it a sufficient amount of sunlight, water, fertilization, and more for its health.  

 To discover insights about propagating your Burro’s tail sedum, you can check this video:

A visual aid will help you get a direct idea and a better understanding of the steps. It will help you perform the steps with ease.   

Tips to take suitable care of your Burro’s Tail Sedum

Taking care of your Burro’s tail is not a big task. It is just like other succulents and simple. All it requires is correct knowledge and wisdom about your plant. The points in this article will help you understand your succulent and make it thrive. These points cover all conditions that affect your plant. The essentials for your Sedum are:

Burro’s Tail Sedum sunlight requirement 

Your succulent loves sunlight, and keeping it away from it will make it unhappy.

However, it might burn in hot and direct strong sunlight. Morning sunlight is preferably the best for your succulent. 

Burro's Tail sunlight requirement

If your plant has pale green leaves and shows sunburn, then shift your plant from that location. The plant should be either grey-green or blue-green. So, sunlight is the first and most vital key for the health of your succulent.

Watering your Burro’s Tail Sedum

The leaves of your succulent store enough water for days so, overwatering will cause rotting of roots and suffocation, therefore overwatered burro’s tail is a big no.

A mature and well-grown Sedum requires watering once in ten to fourteen days to thrive.

A little watering is essential in some days to flush out the salts off your plants for retaining soil nourishment. Rainwater is a good option for your succulent. But yet do not keep pouring it each day. This water intake level is ideal for winters.

In the summer season, your plant is growing, and the days are longer and warmer, therefore it needs adequate watering. You can water them once in five to ten days in this season as it loses moisture faster.

Watering also depends on the size of your container; a larger flowerpot will require more water than a smaller one. Adjust water intake adequately as per the surrounding conditions. An underwatered burro’s tail will fail to thrive and survive through the season.


All succulents need good drainage and soil that does not retain much water. The moisture needs to drain out quickly, and you can use a soil mix to help you. Your succulent requires a nice soil mix for better growth also. Rocks, pebbles, and sand in an adequate proportion are the main ingredients of a soil mix, that help a burro’s tail sedum to thrive and blossom.

Soil mix for propagating Burro's Tail Sedum

You can use a secret planting technique, and that is worms casting. Your succulent will love feeding on it a little bit. Compost and fertilization are also essential so ensure you give a good portion of all.

Weather conditions 

Succulents thrive the best in dry and warm climatic conditions. However, if you reside in a region that snows and is extremely cold, prefer planting it indoors. So, ensure and take note of the right temperature and surrounding for your succulent to grow. Similarly, the different types of burro’s tail require more sunlight as they loves it. So, make sure it is dry and warm enough to be healthy.

Preventing infestation

Aphids, mealybugs, and scales are pests that commonly affect your succulents. However, the Burro’s tail sedum is not prone to get infestation by many insects. Yet, if you see any signs of infestation, spray a mixture of water and rubbing alcohol on your plant directly. For an herbal solution, you can use Neem Oil as it works wonderfully in getting rid of several pests. It is a natural and organic way to remove insects and is simple and very impressive.

This video will help you get a broader understanding about taking care of your Burros tail sedum. It has insights and tips that will be beneficial for your gardening.

Blooming Burro's Tail Sedum

Final Words

Full of skill, you can now successfully treat your plant and convert it into a healthy and thriving plant. Now feel confident in performing tasks and treating your lovable plants with the care that they need. You can expand and care for your garden easily without expert help. I hope that you have got a clear understanding of burros tail propagation tips in this article. To know more insights about burro’s tail, you can check our other blogs to make your gardening easier!