Do Deer Eat Succulents: Garden Safety Tips.

do deer eat succulents

Do Deer Eat Succulents? Are you a succulent lover worried about deer damage on your plants? You’re not alone! Many gardeners wonder if deer eat succulents and how to protect them. Deer can munch on almost any plant, including succulents, leaving your beautiful garden in shambles. In this article, we will explore whether deer are known to eat succulents and provide some tips on how to protect your garden from these hungry animals.

Key Takeaways:

  • Deer can eat succulents, causing serious damage to your garden.
  • Choosing deer-resistant succulents and implementing effective protection measures can ensure the safety of your succulent garden.
  • Understanding deer behavior and their potential risks to succulents is essential for succulent lovers.
  • Creating physical barriers, using deer repellents, and choosing deer-resistant succulents are some methods for protecting your succulents from deer.
  • Drought-tolerant succulents not only resist deer but also require less water to thrive.

Protecting Succulents from Deer: Tips and Advice

In areas where deer and succulents coexist, it’s important to take proactive measures to protect your garden. Here are some tips and advice on how to keep your succulents safe from deer:

Creating Physical Barriers

One effective way to protect your garden from deer is to create physical barriers that are difficult for them to cross. This can be done using commercial deer fencing or by constructing your own barriers using materials like mesh and chicken wire. Make sure to secure the barriers tightly to the ground, as deer can easily squeeze through small gaps.

Using Deer Repellents

Another effective method for protecting your succulents is by using deer repellents. These can be applied directly to the plants or used as perimeter sprays around the garden. Many commercial deer repellents are available, but you can also make your own using ingredients like garlic, hot peppers, and eggs. Just be sure to reapply the repellent after heavy rain.

Choosing Deer-Resistant Succulents

When selecting succulents for your garden, consider choosing varieties that are less appealing to deer. Some deer-resistant succulents include Agave, Aloe, Echeveria, and Sedum. Keep in mind that no plant is completely deer-proof, and hungry deer may still nibble on your succulents in times of scarcity.

Tip: If you’re unsure whether a particular succulent is deer-resistant, check with your local garden center or extension office for recommendations.


In conclusion, if you live in an area inhabited by deer, it’s important to understand their behavior and take necessary precautions to protect your succulents.

When selecting succulents, it’s best to choose those that are less appealing to deer. There are a variety of deer-resistant succulents available that can be grown in your garden. Additionally, implementing physical barriers such as fences, using deer repellents, or planting in raised beds can help keep deer away from your plants.

It’s also worth considering drought-tolerant succulents as they are not only resistant to deer but also require less water to thrive. These plants can help save water and reduce the risk of damage caused by deer.

Remember that prevention is key. By taking the necessary steps to protect your garden, you can ensure that your succulents remain healthy and vibrant for years to come.

FAQs on Do Deer Eat Succulents

Do deer eat succulents?

Yes, deer are known to eat succulents. They may be attracted to the tender leaves and stems of succulent plants, especially during periods of food scarcity or when natural vegetation is limited.

What kind of damage can deer cause to succulents?

Deer can cause significant damage to succulents by browsing on their leaves and stems. This can result in disfigured plants, stripped foliage, and stunted growth. In severe cases, deer may completely consume the succulent, leaving only the bare stem behind.

How can I protect my succulents from deer?

There are several ways to protect your succulents from deer. One method is to create physical barriers such as fences or cages around your plants. Another option is to use deer repellents, either homemade or commercially available, to deter deer from approaching your succulents. Additionally, selecting deer-resistant succulents that are less appealing to deer can also help protect your plants.

What are some deer-resistant succulents?

Some deer-resistant succulents include Agave, Aloe, Sedum, Echeveria, and Crassula. These succulents have attributes such as thick and leathery leaves or spines that make them less palatable to deer. Keep in mind that while these succulents are generally deer-resistant, hungry deer may still nibble on them if food is scarce.

Are there any succulents that are both deer-resistant and drought-tolerant?

Yes, many succulents are not only deer-resistant but also drought-tolerant. These plants are adapted to arid climates and can withstand prolonged periods of dryness. Examples of such succulents include Agave, Yucca, Sempervivum, and Opuntia. Choosing these varieties will not only help protect your succulents from deer but also reduce water consumption in your garden.