Best Fertilizer for Succulents – Top Picks!

If you’re a succulent lover looking to boost the growth and health of your plants, you may be wondering, “what is the best fertilizer for succulents?” With so many options out there, it can be challenging to find the right one that suits your needs. Fortunately, we’ve rounded up some top picks for the best fertilizer specifically designed for these unique, water-storing plants.

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing the best fertilizer for your succulent plants is crucial for their optimal growth and overall health.
  • Succulents require specific nutritional needs, and an organic or natural fertilizer can provide them with the nutrients they need to thrive.
  • The ideal NPK ratio for succulents plays an essential role in their growth and health.
  • Liquid and slow-release fertilizers are popular options for indoor succulents, while organic and natural fertilizers are preferred by some plant enthusiasts.
  • Fertilizer application techniques and frequency are crucial for avoiding over-fertilization and promoting sustained growth.

Understanding the Nutritional Needs of Succulents

For succulent plants to thrive, it’s crucial to understand their unique nutritional requirements. Unlike other plants, succulents have special water storage adaptations that allow them to survive in arid environments. As a result, they have specific needs when it comes to fertilization.

The best fertilizer for succulent plants is one that provides the essential nutrients in the correct proportion. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) are the primary macronutrients that succulents require in different amounts to promote growth and overall health.


Nitrogen is essential for the development of leaves and stems, which are crucial for photosynthesis—the process through which plants convert light into energy. However, too much nitrogen can cause succulents to grow too quickly or produce too many leaves at the expense of their health.


Phosphorus is necessary for the growth of roots and flowers in succulent plants, as well as other essential metabolic processes. A lack of phosphorus can result in stunted growth, reduced flowering, and yellowing of leaves.


Potassium is critical for the overall health of succulent plants, primarily because it helps regulate water balance within the plant. Potassium deficiencies can lead to wilting or leaf burning and increase the plant’s susceptibility to diseases.

Choosing the right organic fertilizer for succulents, natural fertilizer for succulents, or the best fertilizer for succulent plants will provide your plants with the right proportion of nutrients necessary for optimal growth and development.

NPK Ratio for Succulent Fertilizers

Choosing the right fertilizer for your succulents requires understanding the essential nutrients that contribute to their growth and overall health. The NPK ratio stands for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium – three crucial macronutrients that succulent plants require.

The ideal NPK ratio for succulent fertilizers is 2-7-7, with high levels of potassium and lower levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. Potassium is vital for succulent growth, helping plants tolerate dry conditions and promoting strong root development.

If the nitrogen level is too high, it can cause succulents to become leggy or stretched out, while too much phosphorus can lead to root rot. A balanced NPK ratio is essential to avoid over-fertilization and ensure optimal growth.

The Importance of Potassium for Succulent Growth

Potassium is a critical nutrient for succulent plants, with benefits that improve their resilience and overall appearance. It helps plants tolerate dry conditions, protects against disease and pests, and promotes strong root development. Succulent plants need potassium to transport water efficiently and maintain their rigidity.

One way to ensure your succulents are receiving enough potassium is to use a fertilizer with a 2-7-7 NPK ratio. This will provide your plants with the ideal balance of nutrients, helping them thrive and grow to their full potential.

Fertilizer TypeBrandNPK RatioPrice
LiquidSucculent Plant Food2-7-7$12.99
Slow-releaseSucculent Fertilizer by Perfect Plants2-4-5$13.99
OrganicCactus and Succulent Plant Food by EarthPods3-8-8$22.99

When choosing a succulent fertilizer, keep in mind that the NPK ratio is not the only factor to consider. Other crucial aspects include application techniques, frequency, and the quality of ingredients used. Consider a slow-release fertilizer for a more hands-off approach, or try an organic fertilizer for a more natural alternative.

Overall, choosing a fertilizer with an ideal NPK ratio is a crucial step in ensuring your succulent plants receive the necessary nutrients to thrive. By supplementing with a quality fertilizer, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying healthy, vibrant succulent plants!

Liquid Fertilizers for Succulents

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use fertilizer that provides quick absorption, liquid fertilizers are an excellent choice for indoor succulents. Here are some of the top-rated liquid fertilizers recommended by succulent enthusiasts:

ProductMain IngredientsNPK RatioPrice
EarthPods Premium Cactus and Succulent Plant FoodOrganic kelp meal, worm castings, and rock minerals2-2-4$20.99 (100 capsules)
Succulent Fertilizer by Perfect PlantsSea kelp extract and humic acid4-4-4$8.95 (8 oz)
Cactus and Succulent Liquid Plant Food by SchultzChelated iron and manganese2-7-7$8.97 (8 oz)

Note: When using liquid fertilizers, it’s essential to dilute them according to the instructions provided and apply them sparingly to avoid over-fertilization.

Slow-Release Fertilizers for Succulents

For those who prefer a low-maintenance approach, slow-release fertilizers offer a convenient solution to promote sustained succulent growth. These top-rated fertilizers gradually release nutrients over an extended period, nourishing your plants and reducing the need for frequent applications.

One of the benefits of slow-release fertilizers is that they deliver nutrients to your plants consistently and evenly, preventing nutrient burn and other issues caused by over-fertilization. Plus, they come in various forms, including granules, pellets, and stakes, making them suitable for potted or outdoor succulents.

Top-Rated Slow-Release Fertilizers for Succulents

FertilizerNPK RatioTypeRating
Espoma Organic Cactus Plant Food2-4-7Granular4.7/5
Jobe’s Organics Succulent Plant Food3-3-3Stake4.6/5
Dr. Earth Exotic Blend Cactus & Succulent Fertilizer3-4-3Granular4.5/5

When using slow-release fertilizers, be sure to follow the instructions carefully and avoid over-applying. While these fertilizers are designed to release nutrients gradually, excessive use can still harm your plants. A little goes a long way with slow-release fertilizers, providing your succulents with the steady, consistent nutrition they need.

Organic and Natural Fertilizers for Succulents

Many succulent enthusiasts prioritize organic and natural options when it comes to fertilizing their plants. By avoiding synthetic chemicals, you can ensure that your succulents remain healthy and free from harmful substances. Here are some of the best organic and natural fertilizers for succulents:

FertilizerNutrient ContentType
Dr. Earth Organic 5 Tomato, Vegetable & Herb Fertilizer5-7-3Organic
Jobe’s Organics Succulent Plant Food3-4-3Organic
EarthPods Premium Cactus & Succulent Plant Food2-2-4Natural
Fox Farm FX14079 Happy Frog Cactus & Succulent Potting Soil MixN/ANatural

Dr. Earth Organic 5 Tomato, Vegetable & Herb Fertilizer is a popular choice among succulent lovers. Its blend of feather meal, bone meal, alfalfa meal, and fishbone meal provides a balanced combination of nutrients that promote healthy growth. Jobe’s Organics Succulent Plant Food is another organic option that supports plant growth without compromising on environmental safety.

If you prefer natural fertilizers, EarthPods Premium Cactus & Succulent Plant Food combines worm castings, kelp, and other natural ingredients to deliver nutrients slowly and gently. Fox Farm FX14079 Happy Frog Cactus & Succulent Potting Soil Mix is a natural option that not only fertilizes your plants but also promotes a healthy soil environment.

Remember to always follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer, as every fertilizer is unique in terms of application and dosage. When in doubt, start with a smaller amount and adjust as needed based on your plant’s response to the fertilizer.

Fertilizer Application Tips for Succulents

Applying fertilizer is an essential part of succulent care, but it should be done correctly to avoid over-fertilization, which can harm your plants. To properly apply fertilizer to your succulent plants:

  1. Read the instructions: Different fertilizers may have varied application instructions, so be sure to read them carefully before using them.
  2. Use a measured amount: Use a measuring spoon or cup to ensure that you apply the correct amount of fertilizer. Using too little may not have any effect while using too much can damage your succulents.
  3. Apply to damp soil: Water your succulent plant thoroughly before applying fertilizer to prevent burning the roots. If you apply fertilizer when the soil is dry, it can cause the roots to absorb the concentrated nutrients, which may lead to root burn.
  4. Apply away from the base: Avoid applying fertilizer directly to the base of your succulent plants, as it could cause the stem to rot. Instead, apply the fertilizer in concentric circles around the edges of the pot.
  5. Avoid getting fertilizer on leaves: Fertilizer that gets in contact with the leaves of your succulent plant can leave unsightly marks. If it happens, wipe the affected area gently with a damp cloth.
  6. Apply only as needed: Over-fertilizing your succulents can be harmful, so only apply fertilizer as needed. Signs that your plant may need fertilization include slow growth, small or pale leaves, or lack of flowering.

Following these tips can help ensure that you are applying fertilizer to your succulent plants properly to promote healthy growth. When in doubt, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and use less fertilizer than recommended.

fertilizer for succulent plants

Frequency of Fertilizing Succulents

Succulents are unique plants that require a delicate balance of nutrients to thrive. Proper fertilization can help them grow vibrantly, but over-fertilization can harm them. Thus, it’s crucial to know when and how often to fertilize succulents.

The frequency of fertilizing succulents depends on various factors. For example, the type of fertilizer used, environmental conditions, and growth rate can all affect the frequency and amount of fertilizer required.

As a general rule, succulents need to be fertilized less frequently than other plants. In most cases, fertilizing once or twice per year will suffice, but keep in mind that some varieties may require more frequent fertilization.

To help determine the appropriate frequency for your succulents, here are some key factors to consider:

1. Type of Fertilizer

The type of fertilizer used will determine how often you need to fertilize your succulents. Liquid fertilizers, for example, may require more frequent applications than slow-release fertilizers. Organic fertilizers may also need to be reapplied more often since they are less concentrated than synthetic fertilizers.

2. Growth Rate

The growth rate of your succulents can also influence how often you need to fertilize them. Faster-growing succulents may require more frequent fertilization to keep up with their high nutrient demands, while slower growers may only need occasional fertilization.

3. Environmental Conditions

Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and light exposure can also affect how often succulents need to be fertilized. Plants grown in low-light conditions may require less fertilization since they are not actively growing as quickly as those grown in brighter light.

Ultimately, the best way to determine when to fertilize your succulents is to monitor their growth and health regularly. If you notice slow or stunted growth, yellowed leaves, or other signs of nutrient deficiency, it may be time to fertilize. However, be cautious not to over-fertilize, as this can cause more harm than good.

Signs of Over-Fertilization in Succulents

While fertilizing your succulents is crucial for their growth and overall health, overdoing it can cause more harm than good. Over-fertilization can lead to burnt leaves or other signs of stress, such as wilting or yellowing of leaves. If you notice these signs, it’s time to take action.

Here are some common signs of over-fertilization in succulents:

  • Leaf burn or discoloration
  • Wilting or drooping leaves
  • Yellowing of leaves
  • Stunted growth

If you suspect that your succulents are suffering from over-fertilization, there are a few steps you can take to rectify the situation. First, stop fertilizing your plants immediately and flush the soil with water to remove any remaining fertilizers. If the problem persists, consider repotting your succulents in fresh soil to give them a fresh start. Remember, always follow the instructions for the best fertilizer for succulents to prevent over-fertilization.

Best Fertilizer for Succulents

Troubleshooting Common Fertilization Issues

Despite our best efforts, succulents sometimes encounter issues related to fertilization. Below are some common problems you may encounter and solutions to help your succulents thrive.

Nutrient Deficiency

A nutrient deficiency occurs when a plant doesn’t receive enough of a specific nutrient, which can cause stunted growth, discoloration, or other issues. If you suspect your succulent is experiencing a nutrient deficiency, consider switching to a top-rated succulent fertilizer with balanced NPK ratios.

Nutrient Imbalance

Too much of a good thing can also cause problems. Over-fertilization or using an imbalanced fertilizer can cause nutrient toxicity, resulting in burnt leaves or even death. Be sure to carefully follow the instructions on your top-rated succulent fertilizer and avoid overfeeding your plants.

Watering Issues

Over-watering or under-watering your succulents can affect their ability to absorb nutrients, leading to fertilization issues. Ensure that your succulents are receiving the correct amount of water based on their individual needs, and adjust your fertilization practices accordingly.

Tip: To prevent over-watering, allow the soil to dry out completely before watering again.

Seasonal Changes

Succulents can have different fertilization needs during different seasons. During the active growing season, your plants may need more frequent fertilization, while in the dormant season, they may need less. Monitor your plants’ growth and adjust your fertilization schedule as needed.

Environmental Stress

Environmental stress caused by extreme temperatures or changes in lighting can affect your succulent’s ability to absorb nutrients. If you suspect your plants are under stress, consider reducing fertilization until they stabilize.

By troubleshooting these common issues, you can ensure that your succulents are receiving the best fertilizer for their needs. Always use top-rated succulent fertilizer and follow instructions carefully for optimal plant nutrition and growth.


Choosing the right fertilizer for your succulents is crucial to their growth and overall health. By understanding their unique nutritional needs and selecting a fertilizer that aligns with those requirements, you can ensure your plants thrive and flourish.

Whether you prefer organic, natural, liquid, or slow-release fertilizers, there are options available to suit your preferences and your succulent’s needs. Remember to pay attention to the NPK ratio, apply your fertilizers correctly, and be mindful of over-fertilization to avoid any potential damage to your plants.

We hope this article has provided useful information to help you select the best fertilizer for your succulent plants. With the right care and attention, your succulents will reward you with their stunning beauty for many years to come.

FAQ’s on Best Fertilizer for Succulents

What is the best fertilizer for succulents?

The best fertilizer for succulents is one that is specifically formulated for their unique nutritional needs. Look for a fertilizer with a balanced NPK ratio designed for succulents and that provides essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Do I need to use organic fertilizer for my succulents?

While organic fertilizers can be beneficial for succulents, they are not a requirement. Organic fertilizers use natural ingredients and are free from synthetic chemicals, making them a popular choice for those looking for a more environmentally friendly option for their plants.

What is the NPK ratio for succulent fertilizers?

The ideal NPK ratio for succulent fertilizers is typically low in nitrogen (N), moderate in phosphorus (P), and high in potassium (K). A ratio such as 2-4-7 or 3-6-10 is commonly recommended for succulent plants.

Can I use liquid fertilizers for my indoor succulents?

Yes, liquid fertilizers are a great option for indoor succulents due to their ease of use and quick absorption. Look for liquid fertilizers that are specifically formulated for indoor plants and follow the instructions for application on the product packaging.

Are slow-release fertilizers suitable for succulents?

Yes, slow-release fertilizers can be used for succulents and offer a convenient option for those who prefer a hands-off approach to fertilizing. Slow-release fertilizers release nutrients gradually over time, providing a steady supply of nutrients to support sustained growth.

What are some organic and natural fertilizers for succulents?

There are several organic and natural fertilizers available for succulents. Some popular options include seaweed extract, compost tea, worm castings, and bat guano. These fertilizers provide essential nutrients while keeping your succulents free from synthetic chemicals.

How often should I fertilize my succulents?

The frequency of fertilizing succulents depends on several factors, including the type of fertilizer and the growth stage of your plants. As a general guideline, fertilize your succulents every 2-4 weeks during the active growing season and reduce or stop fertilization during the dormant period.

What are the signs of over-fertilization in succulents?

Signs of over-fertilization in succulents can include leaf burn, discoloration, wilting, or stunted growth. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to flush out the excess fertilizer by thoroughly watering the plants and adjusting your fertilization practices.

What should I do if my succulents are suffering from over-fertilization?

If you suspect your succulents are suffering from over-fertilization, flush out the excess fertilizer by thoroughly watering the plants. Adjust your fertilization practices by reducing the frequency or amount of fertilizer applied to prevent further damage.

How can I troubleshoot common fertilization issues with my succulents?

Common fertilization issues with succulents can include nutrient deficiencies or imbalances. To troubleshoot these issues, identify the specific symptoms exhibited by your plants and adjust your fertilization practices accordingly. This may involve changing the fertilization frequency, opting for a different fertilizer, or addressing any underlying factors affecting nutrient uptake.