The Charmingly Compact Crassula Ovata ‘Crosby’s Compact’: A Jade Plant for Every Windowsill

The jade plant, Crassula ovata, is a beloved succulent known for its lush green leaves, easy care, and symbolic significance. But for those seeking a more petite version, Crosby’s Compact offers all the jade plant charm in a delightful miniature package.

Crosby's Compact

Crassula Ovata is a Miniature Masterpiece:

Crosby’s Compact, as the name suggests, is a slow-growing cultivar that maxes out at around 2-3 feet tall and wide. This makes it ideal for smaller spaces, windowsills, and even bonsai enthusiasts. Its leaves, glossy and apple green with stunning red margins, are about half the size of the regular jade plant, adding to its endearingly dainty appearance.

Beyond Beauty: Easy Care and Symbolism:

Crosby’s Compact isn’t just a looker; it’s also a breeze to care for. Like its larger cousin, it thrives in bright, indirect sunlight and needs infrequent watering, making it perfect for forgetful plant parents. It also tolerates neglect and bounces back easily, adding to its appeal.

In many cultures, jade plants symbolize good luck, prosperity, and positive energy. Keeping a Crosby’s Compact in your home is believed to attract wealth and abundance, making it a lovely and meaningful addition to any decor.

How much light does Crassula Ovata need? 

It thrives in bright, indirect sunlight but can tolerate some direct sun in cooler climates. Avoid harsh afternoon sun, especially in hot regions.

How often should I water Crosby’s Compact? 

Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings, usually once every two weeks in summer and even less frequently in winter. Overwatering is the main enemy of this succulent.

Can Crosby’s Compact be grown outdoors? 

Yes, but only in frost-free climates (Zones 10-12). Bring it indoors before the first frost.

Is Crosby’s Compact toxic to pets? 

Yes, all parts of the jade plant are mildly toxic to cats and dogs if ingested. Keep it out of reach of curious paws.

Crosby’s Compact vs. regular jade plant

Both Crosby’s Compact and regular jade plants are charming succulents belonging to the Crassula ovata species. However, they do have some key differences to consider when choosing the right one for you.

Size and Growth:

  • Crosby’s Compact: As the name suggests, this variety is a dwarf version of the regular jade plant. It typically grows to a maximum height of 2-3 feet, making it ideal for smaller spaces and windowsills.
  • Regular Jade Plant: The regular jade plant can reach a much larger size, growing up to 6 feet tall and wide. This makes it a better choice for spacious homes or outdoor planting in frost-free climates.


  • Crosby’s Compact: This variety has smaller, rounder leaves that are about half the size of the regular jade plant’s leaves. They are typically glossy and apple green with stunning red margins.
  • Regular Jade Plant: The regular jade plant has larger, oval-shaped leaves that can be either glossy or matte green. They may or may not have red margins.

Growth Rate and Care:

  • Crosby’s Compact: This variety is a slow-growing succulent, making it a good choice for those who prefer low-maintenance plants. It also requires less frequent watering than the regular jade plant.
  • Regular Jade Plant: The regular jade plant grows faster than Crosby’s Compact and needs to be watered more often. It can also be more susceptible to pests and diseases.


  • Crosby’s Compact: This dwarf variety is perfect for those with limited space or who prefer a smaller, more delicate succulent. It is also a good choice for beginner plant owners due to its easy care requirements.
  • Regular Jade Plant: The regular jade plant is a good choice for those who have more space and want a larger succulent. It can also be a good option for outdoor planting in frost-free climates.

Ultimately, the best choice for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you are still unsure, you can always consult with a local nursery or garden center for more advice.

Propagating Crosby’s Compact

Propagating your Crosby’s Compact jade plant is a rewarding and fun way to create new little versions of your beloved succulent. The good news is, it’s also quite easy to do! Here are two popular methods you can try:

1. Leaf Cuttings:

  • Select a healthy leaf: Choose a plump, mature leaf with no blemishes or signs of disease.
  • Make a clean cut: Use a sharp, sterilized knife to carefully remove the leaf from the stem. Leave at least an inch of stem attached to the leaf.
  • Let the cutting callous: Place the leaf cutting on a dry paper towel in a well-lit area out of direct sunlight. Allow the cut end to callous over for a few days to a week. This helps prevent rot.
  • Plant the cutting: Prepare a pot with a well-draining cactus and succulent potting mix. Make a small hole in the soil and gently insert the calloused end of the leaf cutting. Don’t bury the entire leaf.
  • Water sparingly: Keep the soil slightly moist but not soggy. You can mist the leaf lightly until roots develop, but avoid overwatering.
  • Be patient: It may take several weeks for roots to form and new growth to appear. Once you see new leaves sprouting, you can gradually increase watering and give your little jade plant more sunlight.

2. Stem Cuttings:

  • Take a stem cutting: Choose a healthy stem that is at least 4-6 inches long. Make a clean cut just below a node (the area where leaves grow).
  • Remove lower leaves: Gently remove the lower leaves from the stem cutting, leaving a few pairs of leaves at the top.
  • Let the cutting callous: As with leaf cuttings, allow the cut end of the stem to callous over for a few days before planting.
  • Plant the cutting: Follow the same planting instructions as for leaf cuttings, using a well-draining cactus and succulent potting mix.
  • Water sparingly and be patient: As with leaf cuttings, keep the soil slightly moist but not soggy and wait patiently for roots and new growth to develop.

Tips for success:

  • Use sharp, sterilized tools to prevent the spread of bacteria.
  • Choose a pot with drainage holes to avoid waterlogging.
  • Place your newly planted cuttings in a warm, well-lit location with indirect sunlight.
  • Don’t fertilize your new jade plants until they are well established, usually after a few months.
  • Enjoy the process! Propagating succulents is a fun and rewarding experience, so be patient and watch your little Crosby’s Compact babies grow.

With a little care and attention, you’ll soon have a thriving collection of miniature jade plants to share with friends and family or simply enjoy yourself. Happy propagating!

Best pot for Crosby’s Compact

Choosing the best pot for your Crosby’s Compact jade plant is vital for its health and overall happiness. Here’s what to consider:


  • Terracotta: A classic choice, terracotta pots allow excess moisture to evaporate through their porous walls, preventing root rot. However, they dry out faster, so you might need to water more frequently.
  • Glazed Ceramic: Glazed pots retain moisture better than terracotta, requiring less frequent watering. However, ensure drainage holes are present to avoid waterlogging.
  • Plastic: Lightweight and affordable, plastic pots can also be a good option. Choose ones with drainage holes and avoid dark colours that absorb too much heat.


  • Start small: When repotting a young Crosby’s Compact, choose a pot only slightly larger than the current one. This allows the roots to fill the space efficiently and prevents overwatering.
  • Room to grow: Leave an inch or two of space around the root ball for future growth. Avoid overly large pots, as too much soil can hold onto moisture and lead to root rot.
  • Drainage is key: Regardless of the material you choose, ensure the pot has drainage holes at the bottom to allow excess water to escape.

Additional factors:

  • Shape: Round or square pots work well for the compact and rounded growth of Crosby’s Compact. You can choose shallow or deeper pots depending on your preference, but remember that deeper pots hold more moisture.
  • Style: Don’t neglect the aesthetics! Choose a pot that complements your plant and your home decor.

Here are some popular choices for Crosby’s Compact pots:

  • Small terracotta pots: Classic and functional, offering good drainage and air circulation.
  • Glazed ceramic bowls: Stylish and available in various colours, but ensure good drainage holes.
  • Succulent planters: Many come with built-in drainage and compartments for multiple plants, ideal for creating miniature succulent gardens.

Ultimately, the best pot for your Crosby’s Compact is the one that meets its needs while matching your taste. Consider the factors above and choose a pot that provides good drainage, appropriate size, and a touch of style!

Crosby’s Compact jade plant benefits

Beyond its undeniably adorable appearance, the Crosby’s Compact jade plant offers a surprising variety of benefits, making it a worthwhile addition to any home. Here are some of the key advantages of bringing this mini marvel into your life:

1. Low-maintenance Superstar:

  • Thrives on neglect: Unlike some high-maintenance houseplants, Crosby’s Compact is a champion of resilience. Its succulent leaves store water, allowing it to survive periods of drought without complaint. This makes it ideal for busy individuals or forgetful plant parents.

2. Air-purifying Powerhouse:

  • Natural Detoxifier: Just like its larger cousin, the regular jade plant, Crosby’s Compact acts as a natural air purifier. It absorbs toxins and pollutants like benzene and formaldehyde from the air, leaving you with a fresher, healthier indoor environment. Crosby’s Compact jade plant purifying the air

3. Feng Shui Symbol of Good Luck:

  • Attracts Prosperity: In Feng Shui, jade plants are considered symbols of good luck, wealth, and positive energy. Placing a Crosby’s Compact in your home, especially near the entrance or in your living room, is believed to attract prosperity and abundance.

4. Therapeutic Companion:

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Studies have shown that caring for plants can have a calming effect on the mind and body. The simple act of watering, pruning, and observing your Crosby’s Compact can help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting overall well-being.

5. Easy to Propagate, Share the Joy:

  • Gift of Greenery: Sharing the love! Crosby’s Compact is incredibly easy to propagate using leaf or stem cuttings. This makes it a fantastic gift for friends and family, allowing you to share the joy of this charming succulent with others.

Bonus Benefit: Pet-Friendly (with Caution):

  • Safe for furry friends: Unlike many other houseplants, Crosby’s Compact is non-toxic to cats and dogs. However, it’s still important to keep an eye on curious pets to prevent them from nibbling on the leaves, which can cause digestive upset.

So, whether you’re seeking a low-maintenance plant, a natural air purifier, a symbol of good luck, or simply a charming addition to your home, the Crosby’s Compact jade plant has something to offer everyone. With its endless benefits and delightful demeanor, this miniature marvel is sure to bring joy and a touch of green magic into your life.

I hope this comprehensive overview of the benefits of Crosby’s Compact jade plant has been helpful! Remember, even the smallest plants can have a big impact on our lives. So, go ahead and embrace the charm of this tiny treasure – your home (and well-being) will thank you for it!

The Final Touch:

Whether you’re a seasoned succulent lover or a curious newbie, Crosby’s Compact is a delightful addition to any plant collection. Its charming size, easy care, and beautiful foliage make it a versatile and rewarding choice. So, why not bring a touch of luck and greenery into your home with this miniature marvel?

Happy planting!

P.S. Don’t forget to share your Crosby’s Compact adventures with us on social media using the hashtag #CrosbysCompactJade!