Dolphin Succulents – The Adorable Garden beauties

Want to keep succulents alive with ease- Choose dolphin succulents.

Dolphin Succulents

A lot of people out there don’t think twice when it comes to expressing their admiration for plants like succulents. If you happen to be a succulent enthusiast, you may already have dolphin succulents around your home or on desk.

Like any plant, these incredible plants improve the air around not only by providing oxygen but also by eliminating airborne contaminants. But the best thing about succulents is that they do not require a lot of work when it comes to their maintenance.

Succulents can easily survive under tough conditions, so there is no need for much care to bloom, making them the most ideal for all those people who fail to remember watering the plants or feeding the soil.

In this article, we will discuss Dolphin Succulents – one of the most adorable plants that catch the attention of people with a weakness for plants.

Succulent lovers express joy! There is a new plant in town for you to admire: The dolphin succulent.

Why Dolphin Succulents?

Why dolphin succulents?

In recent times, Senecio peregrinus – a succulent plant with a cluster of small leaves bearing a resemblance to tiny, cute dolphins jumping in the air – has been exerting a pull on the individuals who understand what it is like having plants at their home or workplace.

Also known as ‘Dolphin Succulent’, this plant with uniqueness adds vision to your space without much effort. You will not find these plants at nurseries, but there are specialty growers who sell them online. Although they require vividness, they don’t need direct sunlight. However, they need to be planted in a well-draining container or pot, so the soil does not hold on to excess moisture.

Dolphin Succulents become inactive in the cooler months, and will need to be watered only once during that time. What you need to grow a dolphin succulent is one single leaf. Plant it in wet soil and you will soon find it with developed roots.

What are Dolphin Succulents?

Also known as flying succulents or the dolphin necklace, this plant has become an instant hit in the community of succulents, especially in Japan, and it is not very hard to see why.

The stunningly beautiful curved leaves that stick out from the stemmed vine look like they are jumping dolphins furnished with what looks like dorsal fins. This is certainly the closest to a botanical dolphin you will ever get for your home or work.

The dolphin succulent can easily grow up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall. Unlike the bunny succulent, these plants know how to maintain its shape as it propagates. Also, the longer the trailing plant gets, it will supply you with a myriad of leaves until you are ready to be pleased about having an entire ocean of jumping dolphins.

You can even look forward to a small star-like white and pink bloom during the flowering season (usually in humid months).

Where can you buy them?

Because this plant – the dolphin succulent is a cross variety, it is a very uncommon plant and can be quite difficult to find. However, conducting an online search will help you find specialty cultivators. You can get lucky finding the plant you need.

Often, you will find that it is the seeds of the dolphin succulent for sale and not the mature plant that you will make a purchase of. However, an amazing thing you need to take into consideration that collectors often have unusual varieties. If you happen to have a close encounter with a dolphin succulent, don’t forget to ask for a cutting.

How to grow them?

How to grow.

If you are looking to grow succulent plants from seed, then you will find dolphin succulents easy to propagate. You need to make sure you are soaking them in warm water followed by cold water. This way, they will germinate the way they should be. Then you can plant the seeds in a pot/container with soil.

This soil mix with Bonsai Jack is highly recommendable. In fact, it’s one of the finest soil mixes on the market. Avoid mixing it with any other soil. Not only does it help fight root rot, but it is also flawlessly pH Balanced and does not contain the pathogen.

Ensure that you cover the pot or container with plastic (leave a few holes in it for aeration) or a similar wrapping. Also, spray your seeds pretty often so that the soil is somewhat damp. Now, wait for seedlings to germinate. Once your seedlings are properly sprouted, it’s time to move them out of the plastic-covered container.

Don’t have the patience or cannot wait any longer for the dolphin succulent to cultivate from seed? Then you are lucky enough to get a cutting. You can either place your cutting to one side on the soil, so it can root along with these points, or you can have it placed in the soil after a day or two.

The plant will start to grow roots wherever it touches the soil. Take note that you can only cultivate dolphin succulents from cuttings. You can grow them from their leaves. The leaves are expected to root, but no new stems or leaves will grow.

How to water Dolphin Succulents?

Make sure you don’t water dolphin succulents too often. However, when you are watering them, you need to keep in mind that like most succulents, dolphin succulents can tolerate periods of drought.

The recommended watering should be only once per week during the warmer seasons. And, it should be once a month in the colder inactive seasons. Make sure the soil should be left to dry when watering. If you don’t water dolphin succulents enough, their leaves will begin to crumble.

Bottom Line

There is no denying the fact that succulents have truly become pretty cool. Regarded as a big part of the millennial plant clichés that are prevalent on social media, and there is no one to blame them. Not only do these plants call for maintenance next to none, but they can be found in a wide range of colors, shapes, and textures.