Snake Plant varieties: Tips for Propagation and Care

The Sansevieria trifasciata is the scientific name for the Snake plant, and it is one of the most known and hardy species in succulents. Its stiff leaves grow about six inches to eight feet tall, and this depends on the type of snake plant you grow. They have green band-like leaves, and they are usually known for their significant yellow border.

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This succulent is a member of the Asparagacea genus, which is also a group of the asparagus. Sansevieria has its origins in China and is a precious houseplant because of the belief in the supernatural eight gifts that the succulent showers upon those who grow the snake plant. It is also one of the plants that is a good source of air purification, and NASA and scientists and researching the same. According to some studies by known universities, the snake plant can eradicate formaldehyde and benzene from the surrounding air.

Why gardeners prefer snake plant?

If you are a new gardener and want to take care of a plant that is easy to grow, the snake plant is the one for you. It is hard for these plants to die, and they only become dull on extreme negligence. This succulent bloom the best when it does not get attention and thrives the best to light watering and isolation. It likes to be fed on liquid fertilizer once a month in spring. However, that is not a unique need of the plant.

Snake plant is a precious possession for gardeners all over the world. Several countries have different associations with this plant and a unique nickname for the succulent. If you want to plant a snake plant, then you can get your hands on some tips in this article to help your succulents thrive. It will give you a brief knowledge about the species and its growing habits.

Types of snake plant 

There are several different cultivars of this succulent. Each of them has a varied height, color, and formation depending on the species. Here are some of the famous snake plants and their characteristics.

Snake Plant Varieties

Sansevieria trifasciata

This snake plant usually grows about six inches in height; leaves of this succulent form a cluster, which looks like a bird’s nest.

Sansevieria cylindrica

This succulent has round, firm leaves that can grow pretty tall. The leaves are cylindrical and arch outwards from the center.

Sansevieria trifasciata

The succulent has significant yellow margins on its leaves. Also, its propagation methods are different and need the divide method to expand.

Sansevieria trifasciata

This variety of snake plants has leaves that look spiral or have a twist and have horizontal stripes with yellow edges. It can grow up to 14 inches in height.

Sansevieria trifasciata

It is a snake plant that can grow up to three feet in height and has narrow leaves with white stripes.

Sansevieria desertii

This snake plant is also known as rhino grass and can grow up to 12 inches in height. The plant also is prominent for its red leaves.

Snake plant propagation methods

Leaf-cutting method

It is one of the most common methods for snake plant propagation. It is a technique that uses a cactus potting mix to grow the cuttings and form roots.

Snake Plant Leaf Cutting Propagation

You can start with selecting healthy and thick leaves from your snake plant. Select leaves that look firm and healthy with no external damage. Of course, you can also use leaves with damage but remember that healthy leaves lead to a healthy growing plant. With the help of sterile scissors, cut the segment from the plant.

Take segments of about two to three inches. Cut them carefully and leave a neat flat edge. You can use a pen o mark the part you will be planting in the soil.

Let the segments dry well and callous for at least a day. It helps promote healthy growth and assure that your propagation will be successful.

Meanwhile, you can prepare your containers for your snake plant cuttings and fill them with a moist cactus soil mix. After this, dip the end of the segments in rooting hormone and plant them in the soil superficially. Dusting the powder helps in developing roots simply. Do not push more than half an inch of the segment into the topsoil.

Plant the new cuttings in a shady and warm region; avoid placing them in direct sunlight. Keep an eye on the soil and moisten it when it is entirely dry. Do not let water sit in your container for too long, and always drain off the excess water from it.

Propagating leaf cuttings in water

You can use this unique way for your snake plant propagation. It is slightly risky, but you can grow plant by this method.

In this technique, you will require longer cuttings than that of the rooting method. Try to cut a cutting that is four to five inches from the root. Similar to the soil method, allow the cuttings to dry well and the process of callousing to start.

After completing this process, you can take a clean container and pour about an inch of clear water in it. Ensure that your pot is tall enough to give support to your cuttings. Now place the end of the cutting in the water.

Snake Plant Propagation in Water

You will have to change the water in your container twice a day. It will prevent your snake plant from building up algae, and also make sure you clean the jar once a week. Place the pot in bright and indirect sunlight for good growth.

Once you notice root formation, allow them to grow for about two inches. Then transfer the sapling to a potting mix and plant it in your garden.

This method can lead to root rot, so you must be very careful while using it. To avoid root rot, keep only the cutting in water and the rest of the part outside.

Dividing Snake Plant Propagation method

These succulents can become bound and form clusters into the available growth space. When this occurs, gardeners usually seek to replant their snake plants. However, by using the divide technique, you can distribute the growth and avoid unnecessary effort.

Begin by removing the succulent from its container. Check if there is a root tangle. If there are spirals and twirling, then it is the right time to divide your plant.

Check the snake plant and divide it into segments that will look good in separate containers. Use your fingers to separate the primary mass of the succulent from the base and divide it accordingly. Be gentle and do not damage the roots in this process. All you have to do is separate as much as you can. After separating it use a clean knife to cut the stem from the rest.

Know to plant these segments into new potting mix containers. If your plant is tall, you may need to give external support to the plant for a few days.

Divide propagation is simple and does not take a lot of time to grow. It is feasible than replanting your succulent.

To know more about snake plant propagation techniques, you can take a look at this video at

It is a clip with details about each method and visual aids that make your work easy.

Tips for snake plant care

Sunlight requirement

These succulents prefer keeping them in indirect light, so do not place them in intense heat. They can survive in full sun conditions, but they also do great in dim lighting surroundings.

Soil mix for snake plant

These plants like a well-draining and loose potting mix, and grow well in sandy soils. The cactus potting soil is a good pick for this succulent.

Watering your snake plant

Do not overwater your succulent and let it dry out before your water it again. In winters, limit watering and only water it once monthly or when the topsoil feels dry. Also, ensure you are not underwatering your succulent as it may kill your plant.

Watering Snake Plant

Weather and surroundings

These plants like warm conditions and might suffer if they are in surroundings with less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep your plant in areas where it is away from drafts. The ideal temperature for these plants is between 70 and 90 degrees.

Repotting snake plant

Use a sturdy and durable container to plant your snake plant, as its roots can crack weak pots. Sansevieria are usually slow growers and do not need repotting often. However, if they get ample light, these plants grow faster and need repotting or dividing yearly. Always use new soil while repotting them and ensure you repot them in spring.

Toxicity of snake plant

Snake plant is slightly toxic to humans and pets. On ingestion, humans may experience some symptoms like mouth pain and nausea. In some cases, it can also result in a skin reaction, but it is mainly harmful to eat. In the case of animals eating the snake plant can cause extreme salivation, nausea, pain, and gut problems.

A Close View


You can now do your snake plant propagation with confidence and expand your garden. To know more about succulents, check the other blogs for better knowledge and insights.