Top Blooming Succulents for a dazzling garden

The best plants for your garden are blooming succulents. These plants come in several shapes, colors, textures, and sizes. They are unique and have stunning geometric shapes and colors that are eye-catchy and very attractive. Very few individuals understand the fact that these desert plants can produce flowers in various colors and formations. 

Why blooming succulents are necessary?

Similar to other plants, there are multiple types of flowering succulents that attract a pollinator. It is a natural way for a plant to sustain and maintain future generations. Succulents do this is in the way other plants produce their flowers. They produce seeds within the flowers. The flowers comprise reproductive parts. Flowers have bright colors and sweet scents to entice pollinators like butterflies, bees, and birds.

Pollination of blooming succulents

In the desert regions succulents, depend on insects and other creatures for pollination and reproduction. You can also self-pollinate the flowers using a paintbrush. Then you can bury these seeds and take care of them so that they sprout into new plants and produce flowers.

Many gardeners use this way to expand their garden and help get more blooming succulents. There are also other methods like stem and leaf propagation that can help to grow a new plant. In these processes, harvesting the seed is not essential to multiply the growth of your succulents. 

Popular varieties of blooming succulents: 

1. Superbum 

The Superbum is also known as Graptopetalum superbum in scientific terms. It is one of the easiest to care for succulents, and is one of the prettiest in various types of flowering succulents. The plants bloom in spring and produce white or yellow flowers with red stamens. These flowers have a unique star-like shape. The gorgeous pale purple leaves with the yellow flowers make this succulent popular and attractive from the rest. It is a plant that will easily stand out from the rest. 

2. Christmas Cactus

It is one of those rare types of blooming succulents that bloom many times in a year. If you take good care of them, they can give flowers for almost half a year. And its flowers have different colors like red, white, and also yellow. It makes them a preferable gift for anybody.

3. Pincushion Cactus 

Ensure the ideal water and sunlight requirements are given for your Pincushion cactus to bloom with charming pink flowers. To enhance the chances of flowering, do not water your plant for a few weeks in the spring season. Also, certain fertilizers and soils give your plan to boost the success rate.

4. Crassula Springtime

When talking about the stunning blooming succulents that flower mostly in between the winter and spring seasons, this species is definitely a top-contender. The Crassula Springtime invites the spring season with beautiful clusters of pink flowers that have a sweet scent and attract butterflies and birds.

5. Echeveria Doris Taylor

This plant stuns us with its fuzzy rosette and its unusual flowers. In the spring season, the succulent produces bright orange or yellow flowers along the stalk.

6. Echeveria Black Knight

The deep black hues of these blooming succulents, makes individual amaze and stare at the plant. And their flowers are a stunning highlight of the beauty of nature. The succulent blooms around summer or fall and produces intense burgundy red star-like flowers.

7. Ice Plant

This succulent is also known as Corpuscularia lehmannii and is a popular plant with thick leaves overlapping to form a tower-like structure. When it is spring season, you will notice yellow or white daisy-like blooms growing on the top. It is one of those unique blooming succulents that will look gorgeous in your garden.

8. Donkeys Tail

The Donkey tail sedum is easy to grow succulent. The thick leaves and the trailing stems make it the best pick for gardeners and planters. In summers, it produces a cluster of tiny red flowers below its leaves.

9. Peanut Cactus 

These blooming succulents have their origin in Argentina and are a slow-growing cactus. The name comes from the formation that makes it look like a pile of peanuts in appearance. These succulents produce huge orange flowers that have a star-like shape.

10. Painted Lady Echeveria 

These plants are known for their subtle beauty. They have a silvery blue leaf and form a dense rosette. In the Spring season, they form a long stalk that is full of flowers. The pastel color combination of the leaves and flowers gives an exotic look to your garden. Flowering of these blooming succulents also shows the arrival of spring.

11. String of Pearls

This succulent is also called Senecio Rowleanus and is a beautiful plant that grows in hanging baskets. They have pearls like leaves and long trailing stems that give it the name String of pearls. Its blooming period begins around early summer, and they produce tiny white flowers with an intense cinnamon scent.

12. Ruby Necklace 

The Othonna capensis is a quick-growing and trailing succulent that has bean-like foliage that grows along the stem. Usually, they have green leaves but can turn to ruby red when kept in high sun exposure. These blooming succulents flower throughout the year and produce bright yellow blossoms on them.

This video will introduce you to blooming succulents and their types.

It consists of nineteen flowering succulents that look the best. 

Usual queries about Blooming succulents

Does flowering cause blooming succulents to die?

Some succulents die after flowering, and some do not. It depends on some factors. Monocarpic plants die after they produce flowers. These plants die after the blooming period and are also called the bloom of death.

Some examples of these types of flowering succulents are Sempervivums and most Aeoniums and Agave plants. You can discover this type by observing its flowering pattern. If the plant produces flowers from the middle and the entire succulent transforms into a bloom stalk, it is monocarpic. Or else flowers usually come from the sides of the plant.

You cannot do much to a monocarpic plant once it starts flowering. Nobody can stop the process, and you have to accept this fact. It may sound tragic but, monocarpic plants do not die without reason.

Most of the monocarpic succulents are good producers. It means that give plenty of baby plants or saplings before they die. The death of the mother plant does not affect the baby plant in any way. 

To know more about this query, you can check this video at: 

It will give you additional details about blooming succulents that die after flowering and all of their traits. 

How to make your succulents bloom?

Happy and thriving succulents have more chances of blooming than weak plants. So, it is essential to nurture them in a suitable environment if you want your plant to shine. Blooming succulents and similar plants necessitate proper sunlight to bloom. Give them at least five to six hours of light each day so that your succulents remain happy.

Plant blooming succulents in a well-draining soil mix, they do not like moisture, and so it is vital to give proper soil base to them. A cactus mixes and perlite combination work the best.

Along with this, you also must pay proper attention to how much you are watering your succulent. While it is essential to give it adequate water, a lot of water can cause some severe damage to the roots of your succulents. 

Ensure that the plant is dry before you water it again. To remember this, you can use this thumb rule. If the top inch of your plant’s soil is dry, then you need to water it again.

How to care for blooming succulents?

Blooming succulents do not need any special attention or care. A flowering plant meets all of its needs on its own. Shower them with the same attention that you usually give your plants. And the rest will fall in place automatically.

Caring blooming succulents

Some gardeners tend to shower extra love and care and end up giving their succulents additional nutrients. Give it the proper amount of nutrients so that it grows and blooms without any trouble. Fertilizing your blooming succulents, one in two to four weeks is sufficient, and this will give your plants the nutrition it requires.  

There are rare times when blooming succulents fail to flower, and one such common problem happens when you overwater your plant. It leads to failure in blooming and, your succulents root start to rot and show signs of unhealthy development. 

So if you are overwatering your plant or have kept it in environments that receive excess rainfall, make a change immediately. If you want blooming succulents to flower and especially your cacti, it is vital to give them the right amount of moisture. 

The sunlight, soil, and watering play a vital role in the growth of blooming succulents, one must know the right amounts to properly take care and get the results they want to see on their plant.  

Final Thoughts on blooming succulents

Now that you know all about blooming succulents, you can get one in your garden or take care of the one you have. These are beautiful plants that do not need much expertise. So, plant them and be care-free about creating an attractive garden. 

An animated pic of Blooming succulents

For more information about succulents, check the other blogs. They will help in building confidence and performing tasks better. Gardening is easy with the right guidance.