Flapjack Succulent Problems and Tips for Care!

Kalanchoe thyrsiflora or flapjack succulent is a member of the Crassulaceae family and is a succulent native to South Africa. They have excellent water storage capacities, so these succulents survive well in the warm regions there.

They have thick and fleshy leaves that are gray-green and have a circular shape, it also has a red margin around the tips of their leaves that makes them look stunning. Flapjack succulent flower is yellowish in color when it matures entirely. However, they are small in size, yet the size does not matter when one smells their fragrance. Regrettably, these flowers are signs of the end of spring for the succulent.

Flapjack Succulent in Pot

Are you worried about paddle plant leaves dying after the bloomy blossoms are gone? But do not worry; we have a solution for this issue too. If you cut the dead ends properly, it will help the stem in shooting new offsets and saving your entire collection. Flapjacks or paddle plants are a rare species of the Crassulaceae family and are not readily available everywhere. The Luciae succulent is widely found and can often be called a thyrsiflora but is not. These two plants are similar in terms of growing and appearance but are different species. 

It is vital to take good care of your Paddle plant and, to help your succulent live long; you must identify the flapjack succulent problems. Try to resolve them and make your thyrsiflora healthier and happier. 

Below are the Top Selling Flapjack Succulents on Amazon

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Some of the common flapjack succulent problems are:

Brown Spots

The kalanchoe flapjack succulent commonly does not ask for a lot of care, yet it can grow small brown spots on its leaves and stems. These spots range from yellowish-brown to tarnish brown. It is a cause of a minor physical condition known as Edema, but then again, if the marks are tiny and reddish-brown, they can be insects. Sunburn can also be a reason for brown spots on your Paddle plant, so notice carefully.

Brown spots on flapjack succulent

The damage by Edema is short-term and less, but scale infestation can entirely damage and ruin your flapjack succulent flower and leaves if you do not get rid of them immediately.


There are two reasons for Edema in flapjack succulents, either you are watering too much or giving it insufficient fertilizers. When you overwater, your succulent cells will soak the extra moisture and burst. It will result in damaging and killing your plant entirely. To notice Edema, look for rough textures that do not scrap off your fingernails. They are most likely under your leaves and look very unattractive. Although, it causes damage but will not lead to flapjack succulent dying

Edema on flapjack succulent

Tips to cure Edema 

The primary thing to do to protect your flapjack succulent from Edema is to save them from moisture and humidity. If your succulent is in a container, shift it to a warmer spot and water the plant from the bottom. You may not be able to do the best for outdoor flapjacks, but it is okay because it is ugly and does no harm. If you feel that your flapjack is suffering from a lack of nutrients, begin feeding it slowly with fertilizers that are good for growth. You can give it one tablespoon per square meter to provide essential nutrition. However, ensure you check the label as every brand has its measurements.

Brown Scale Pests

Small brown spots on your flapjack can be a cause of soft brown scale insects. These insects are oval, dark red-brown, and ¼ inch long. To confirm that it is a scale, scratch the spot and, if it moves, then it is a pest. These scales suck up sap from the leaves of your succulents and leave a residue on the leaf surface, which is known as honeydew. This residue invites sooty mold, which can cause further damage and turn the leaves black and you may be left with the option of flapjack succulent propagation.

Brown Scale pests on flapjack succulent

Tips to control Brown Scale pests

These brown scales are removable by scratching them off or wiping them with a damp cloth dipped in mild detergent. If the leaves have a heavy infestation, you can directly remove them. You can also use rubbing alcohol to wipe the scales off or Neem oil for a herbal solution.

If these methods do not work and you are left with a flapjack succulent dying, you can then mix one teaspoon bifenthrin in 1 gallon of water and put this mixture in a garden sprayer. Directly spray it on the leaves of your succulents. Ensure you are cover-up while using bifenthrin on your plant. Also, avoid spraying it near water gardens or areas with active bees. 

To know more about flapjack succulent problems and solutions, check this video

It gives you a better understanding of how to take care of your succulents and revive them after infestation.

Tips to take care of a flapjack succulent

Your paddle plant loves warmth and dry areas, so make sure you are giving it a healthy environment to live inside. Overwatering them is a bad idea, so avoid watering them each day. The drainage of the soil determines the growth of your succulents. Ensure that you take care of all these points for rapid and healthy growth.


A succulent native to warm regions like South Africa and the neighboring areas will love to be in the sun. However, it will do fine even in shady sun areas. If you give your plant sufficient light during the winters, it will be healthy, and the green flapjack succulent leaves will develop the red tips that the plant is known to have.

Bright Sunlight

On hot and sunny days, protect your flapjack succulent from the direct and scorching sunlight. Too much light can cause burns and damage


Soil that does not hold water for long is the best for your succulents. Get sandy or loamy soil that doesn’t hold onto much humidity. It will help your succulents thrive and bloom. Even if you have planted your flapjack succulent indoors, they must have containers with good drainage.


Like the other succulents, flapjack succulents cannot tolerate too much water, and immense care should be taken to not overwater them. Ensure that the soil is entirely dry before you water your plant again when you consider watering during the summers. In winters, very little or no watering at all works the best.

Temperature and Surrounding 

Paddle plants need dry and parch regions to flourish. They do not like winters or cooler areas and so are preferable kept as indoor plants.

If the temperature in your region drops below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, planting flapjack succulents as house plants or shifting them inside is the best. Also, they do not do well in a lot of humidity. Their suitable growth areas are dry landscapes.

Fertilizing your Flapjack succulent

The paddle plant succulent loves to be fed on a balanced fertilizer in its growing period during the spring and summer. Once in a couple of months is sufficient for healthy growth.

Giving your plant extra fertilizers is similar to over-watering and will result in root rot or the development of powdery mildew on these plants.

To know more about your flapjack succulent, you can check this video

It will reveal insights into the species and their suitability. It will give you a better understanding of how you can care for them. 

Now that you are ready with tools, you can take care of your flapjack succulent correctly. You will feel more confident in performing your tasks. If you have flapjack or paddle plants showing these usual problems, you can now try the remedies and get rid of them. Planting a succulent requires essential

l care for them to bloom at their best. These succulents will appear and smell well in your garden, creating a pleasant aura for visitors. 

We hope that this article has been an aid in solving problems for your garden. To get access to more tips on flapjack succulent, check the other blogs to get some fantastic insights and keys. Happy gardening results from good knowledge about your plants, and we aim to deliver you the best information. Keep your garden healthy and attractive always!