How to Germinate Lithops?

How to Germinate Lithops

Germinating Lithops, those fascinating living stones, can be a rewarding experience and bring you closer to these quirky succulents. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the process safely and ethically:

How to Germinate Lithops:

  1. Seed selection: Choose fresh, high-quality Lithops seeds. Look for reputable sellers specializing in succulent seeds.
  2. Potting mix: Prepare a well-draining succulent or cactus mix. You can find ready-made mixes or create your own with equal parts coarse sand, perlite, and cactus/succulent soil. Sterilize the mix to prevent fungal growth.
  3. Containers: Choose small pots with drainage holes for good airflow. Terracotta pots are ideal for their breathability.
  4. Watering can: Use a watering can with a fine nozzle for gentle watering.


  1. Fill the pots: Fill the pots with the prepared mix, leaving about 1/2 inch from the top. Don’t compact the soil, keep it loose and airy.
  2. Sowing the seeds: Sow the seeds thinly on the surface of the soil. Do not bury them deeply, as Lithops seeds need light to germinate. Lightly press the seeds into the soil to ensure good contact.
  3. Watering: Gently water the soil with a fine spray until slightly moist, avoid overwatering.
  4. Labeling: Label the pots with the Lithops species and sowing date for future reference.


  1. Placement: Find a bright, warm location with indirect sunlight. Avoid the harsh midday sun, especially during germination.
  2. Humidity: Maintain moderate humidity by covering the pots with a clear plastic lid or bag. Poke holes in the lid for ventilation and prevent condensation from dripping onto the seeds.
  3. Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. Allow the top inch of soil to dry slightly between waterings.
  4. Temperature: Aim for a temperature range of 70-80°F for optimal germination. Avoid extreme temperatures.
  5. Germination: Germination can take anywhere from 2-6 weeks, depending on the species and conditions. Be patient and keep the soil moist and warm.

After germination:

  1. Once seedlings emerge: Gradually remove the plastic cover to acclimate them to lower humidity.
  2. Thinning: If seedlings are crowded, gently thin them out to prevent competition for light and resources.
  3. Individual pots: When seedlings have developed a few pairs of leaves, they can be transplanted into individual pots with the same soil mix.

Safety and ethical considerations:

  • Sustainable sourcing: Ensure your seeds are ethically sourced and not harvested from wild populations. Support reputable sellers who cultivate and propagate Lithops responsibly.
  • Patience and care: Germination can be a slow and delicate process. Be patient and provide consistent care to give your Lithops seedlings the best chance to thrive.
  • Enjoy the journey: Germinating Lithops can be a fascinating learning experience. Observe their development and celebrate their tiny triumphs!

Remember, germinating Lithops requires patience, attention to detail, and the right conditions. By following these guidelines and providing your seedlings with proper care, you can witness the magic of bringing these living stones to life!