How to Repot Lithops?

How to Repot Lithops?

How to Repot Lithops? Repotting your Lithops, also known as “living stones,” requires careful attention to their unique needs to avoid stressing them. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

When to Repot Lithops:

  • Spring or early summer: This is their active growing season when they’re more resilient to handling.
  • Out of bloom: Don’t disturb them during their flowering period.
  • Pot-bound: If they’re pushing against the pot or roots are coming out of the drainage holes, it’s time to move them.
  • Soil issues: If the soil is overly compact or doesn’t drain well, repotting is necessary.


  • New pots: Choose pots slightly larger than the current ones, around 1-2 inches wider. Terracotta pots with drainage holes are ideal for good airflow.
  • Well-draining succulent or cactus soil mix: You can find ready-made mixes or create your own with equal parts coarse sand, perlite, and cactus/succulent soil.
  • Gravel or pebbles (optional): For top dressing to improve drainage and aesthetics.
  • Watering can with a fine nozzle
  • Gloves (optional): for better grip

Steps on How to Repot Lithops:

  1. Prepare the new pots: Fill them with the soil mix, leaving about an inch of space from the top. Make a small depression in the center of each pot.
  2. Watering (optional): Lightly moisten the new soil, but it shouldn’t be wet.
  3. Remove the Lithops: Gently squeeze the sides of the old pot to loosen the soil. Carefully turn the pot upside down and tap the bottom to release the plant. If it’s stubborn, use a blunt tool like a chopstick to loosen the soil without damaging the roots.
  4. Inspect and clean: Brush off any loose soil from the roots. Check for any damage or rot and remove affected parts with sterilized pruners. Don’t over-trim healthy roots.
  5. Planting: Place the Lithops in the prepared depression, positioning the crown slightly above the soil level. Ensure the taproot (thickest root) is pointing downwards. Gently fill in the remaining space with soil, firming it slightly around the base.
  6. Top dressing (optional): Add a layer of gravel or pebbles around the base for better drainage and visual appeal.
  7. Watering: Don’t water immediately after repotting. Wait 7-10 days for the roots to settle and callus over any cuts. Then, water sparingly, only when the soil is completely dry.


  • Placement: Provide bright, indirect sunlight during their growing season. Protect them from the strong midday sun, especially during summer.
  • Watering: Water infrequently during their growing season, allowing the soil to dry completely between waterings. During dormancy (late fall to winter), water even less frequently, perhaps once a month.
  • Temperature: Maintain warm temperatures in their active season (around 70-80°F). Keep them cool and dry (around 45-55°F) during dormancy.
  • Fertilizing: Fertilize sparingly, if at all, with a diluted succulent or cactus fertilizer during their growing season.

Remember: Lithops are delicate and slow-growing, so be gentle during repotting and provide them with the right conditions to thrive in their new home. With proper care, they’ll continue to surprise you with their unique beauty and resilience.

Additional Tips:

  • You can divide clumps of Lithops during repotting if they have multiple heads. Carefully separate the heads while minimizing root disturbance.
  • Wear gloves when handling Lithops if you have sensitive skin. Their sap can be slightly irritating.
  • Enjoy the process! Observing their unique features and repotting them carefully can be a rewarding experience.

Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about specific aspects of lithops care or repotting!