Mother of Millions vs Mother of Thousands

Both plants are succulents, but there are some major differences but mother of millions vs mother of thousands.

alligator plant

Mother of Thousands: – Leaves are smaller and more numerous – Flowers are blue and grow in clusters – Fruit is a small capsule that splits open to release the seeds

Mother of Millions: – Leaves are larger and fewer in number – Flowers are pink or white and grow in solitary buds – Fruit is a large berry that splits open to release the seeds

There are many things to consider when selecting a cactus, but the biggest differences are the temperatures they can tolerate. Mother of millions are sensitive to cold temperatures and can suffer damage or even die if the temperature drops too low. Bring your plants indoors for the fall if you plan on keeping them outside. In extreme heat waves, it is important to give your cactus additional feedings every month to stimulate growth. Organic cactus fertilizer is recommended for the mother of millions, not a chemical-based fertilizer. Chemical-based fertilizers can harm your cactus more than they help it.

So, what’s the difference? Mother of Thousands has smaller leaves and more flowers that are blue. Mother of Millions has larger leaves and fewer flowers that are pink or white. The fruit is also different, with Mother of Thousands having a small capsule fruit and Mother of Millions having a There are a few key differences between Mother of Thousands and Mother of Millions.

Watering devil’s backbone plant

devil's backbone

When it comes to watering, the difference between Mother of Thousands and the more common Mother of Millions can be significant. In order to maintain a healthy and vibrant plant, they require a minimum amount of water. During summer, you can water them as little as every two or three days. In cooler climates, you can water them less frequently, perhaps every other day.

The plant’s name suggests that it is propagated by seed or plantlets. As the main plant approaches dormancy, the mother of thousands plantlets will naturally fall off. Simply lift each mother of thousands plantlet by its stem and place it on a flat surface in good sunlight. Once it has sprouted a couple of leaves, it will begin to take root. Once it grows to an inch, the plantlets will be potted individually.

The Mother of Thousands has broad, tear-shaped leaves and opposite-sided stems. The leaves are alternately arranged so that no single leaf blocks sunlight. While Mother of Millions is a hybrid of both species, both varieties can benefit from a similar watering schedule. Watering the plant regularly and properly can make a difference in the long run. If you are not sure which variety to choose, consult a local nursery for guidance.

The Mother of Thousands is a striking succulent plant. Its foliage is distinctive and makes it stand out from the crowd. It belongs to the Bryophyllum family but is also scientifically known as Kalanchoe delagoensis. Its unique shape, color, and reptilian marks make it one of the most unusual plants you’ll ever encounter.

Fertilizing Mexican Hat Plant

Mexican hat plant

If you’re considering growing this plant, you might be wondering whether you should fertilize it regularly. This plant is native to Madagascar, and its scientific name is Kalanchoe daigremontiana. Other names for the plant include Mexican hat, alligator plant, and Mexican hat. It grows to be 18 to 35 feet tall, with tiny plantlets growing from its leaves. While most other types of plants need regular fertilization, Mother of Thousands and Mother of Millions do not need fertilization.

It’s important to keep in mind that the mother of thousands plant grows best when it’s actively growing. During wintertime, you’ll want to avoid fertilization. In Pennsylvania, fertilizing your plant once a month from mid-March to early September will ensure that it has enough nutrients to reach its maximum growth potential. You can also add liquid succulent fertilizer to its irrigation water for improved growth, but it’s usually unnecessary.

If you’re wondering how to fertilize Mother of Thousands and MOM, keep reading. These plants are easy to grow and maintain. You can even fertilize them yourself! But make sure you read all of the instructions on the label before applying fertilizer. It’s best to do so after determining which plants will thrive best in your area. You’ll be glad you did! So, get growing!

A variety of plants need fertilization to survive. The mother of thousands, for instance, grows quickly and can reproduce with seedlings. Aside from being fast-growing, the mother of millions is also drought-tolerant and requires little pruning. It’s a great choice for beginners. But you need to keep in mind that some varieties of mother of thousands don’t require fertilization. Aside from being drought-tolerant, the mother of thousands is a perfect plant for gardeners because it doesn’t need regular fertilization.

Toxic sap in mother of millions vs mother of thousands

There are several differences between the two species of toxic plants, which are both toxic to humans and pets. Mother of Thousands bloom at the beginning of the warm season and are hardy to hardiness zones 9-11. Toxic sap from Mother of Thousands plants contains cardiac glycoside, a type of bufadienolide that is known to cause cardiac poisoning. In addition, Mother of Millions plants produce a steroid called daigremontianin, which affects the nervous and muscular systems of small animals.

Despite the similarities in their appearance and growth habits, Mother of Thousands sap is toxic and can cause gastrointestinal upset, vomiting, diarrhea, and even heart palpitations in people with high sensitivity to the toxin. Although these symptoms are mild, ingested quantities of the sap can lead to fatality in animals. For this reason, workers handling the sap should wear disposable gloves and discard them after use.

The poisonous sap found in the leaves and stems of both varieties of Mother of Thousands is deadly to humans and animals. The toxic sap from both species of Mother of Thousands is found in all three plants of the Kalanchoe family. In North American studies, it killed chickens at a toxic dosage of eight to twelve grams/kg b.w. The toxin is also lethal to livestock.

The mother of millions and the thousands are two closely related plants that grow in the same location. They both produce plantlets on the tips of the leaves and are treated as a weed in some areas. Both plants are poisonous to livestock and can cause severe harm if ingested by cows. Both species spread quickly and may even be invasive in certain climate conditions.


Repotting mother of thousands plants can be a great way to maintain a lush, vibrant appearance. The plant’s large root system will eventually fill the pot. If you don’t repot your plant regularly, it can dry out and die, especially during cold weather. When repotting your plant, it is important to make sure the container is large enough for the plant. The plant’s leaves will also begin to die back and the stem may become spindly.

Repotting your mother of thousands plant is simple. It should be watered every two to three weeks, depending on whether you’re growing it outdoors or in a pot. Simply turn on a faucet and allow room-temperature water to run for a few minutes. The water should drain through the holes in the bottom of the pot. If the soil is too dry, it can rot the plant’s leaves.

When repotting a mother of thousands plant, it is important to remember that the plant produces plantlets rather than seeds. The plantlets are ready to be planted when they grow to an inch or two. Unlike most plants, they are able to survive in a wide variety of soils. They can grow indoors and outdoors and will multiply with other plants. As the main plant heads towards dormancy in the winter, the mother of thousands plantlets will naturally fall off the stem. If you want to pot the plantlets separately, take them from the leaf and place them on top of the potting medium. During this process, the plantlets will grow roots and begin to sprout.

If you want to grow your mother of thousands in a pot, choose one with drainage holes, preferably a terracotta pot. Pots made of clay or ceramic material will not retain moisture as effectively as terracotta. Avoid placing the plant in a saucer below the pot because too much water can cause root rot and fungal problems. Likewise, soggy soil can lead to a dying plant.

Pot size

The pot size difference between a Mother of Thousands and a more exotic Mother of Millions succulent plant is just a few millimeters. Both succulents require ample light and ample water. They thrive in indirect light, so place them in sunny areas in the warmer months. In colder regions, they are best kept in a container and in cooler rooms, they need indirect light.

The size difference between a Chandelier plant and a Mother of Millions depends on their pot. Chandeliers require a low to medium-humidity environment, so place them far from a window. They do not require frequent fertilization, but do benefit from some additional light. Since Mother of Millions thrive in dry, desert-like conditions, they do not require a lot of moisture.

If you are unsure about the size difference, you can simply transplant the plantlets. Unlike the Mother of Millions, Mother of Thousands succulents need a gritty potting mix that drains well. The soil mix should also have larger particles such as sand, perlite, pumice, and vermiculite. Mother of Millions can be propagated from seed, but be sure to handle them carefully.

The size difference between a Mother of Thousands and a Mom of Millions plant is quite small. The former has flowers that are orange-red and appear in clusters on the stems. They require a medium-sized pot with drainage holes. If you do not have this, you can also choose a pot made of pebbles and set it on a window sill.