Soil for Succulents- A quick guide

Your kids are the beauties of your home. They flourish when you give them the right foundation, the love, and care they deserve. Similar is the case with the succulents in your garden. They will thrive, will brighten your home’s ambiance only when you will provide them with the essential nourishment. Therefore, it is must best soil for succulents, for they get proper nutrition.

The best practice is to mimic the natural environment the succulents have come. And that starts from the day you decide to plant them in your garden. Your prime responsibility is to provide them the best soil combination. As we know that the watering needs of succulents differ from regular plants, so does their requirement for the soil.

Better soil quality helps succulents in absorbing the required amount of nourishment and water from it. Preferable soil mix ensures that the moisture quantity around the succulents is kept to the limit. As, succulents tend to rot in case of excess water.

Also, the right soil mixture helps in keeping away some types of insects and worms harmful to the plants.

For the interest of succulent lovers, we met with different gardening experts to figure out the best soil combination. For, having a positive growth of succulents in a home garden.

Based on the discussion we had with them, we have summarized the interaction with them in the form of some questions that puzzle the succulent lovers now and then.

What is the best soil for succulents, and how does desirable soil differs from regular ones?

Soil composition Succulents
  1. Succulents are fleshy, capable of drier conditions due to their water storage capabilities. Different varieties of succulents store water in contrasting parts of the plant, but the crucial source of gathering moisture by them is through roots, which suck the moisture in the soil.
  2. But the water requirement of succulents differs from regular plants, and so does their need for soil composition. They are not habitual to the continuous availability of availability in soil, which is why they prefer soil combinations that dries out quickly in comparison to the regular ones.
  3. Their roots absorb air, water, and nutrients from the soil, and therefore it should be appropriate to allow movement of essential ingredients easily.
  4. Regular plants require soil that retains moisture for a long time. Whereas succulents prefer soil composition that is suitable for a soak and dry method, which means water in large quantities should be added to it only when it is bone dry.
  5. Succulents ask for soil that is more aerated and porous; it enables their roots to look for air and nutrients more efficiently, while the soil base for regular plants is more compact.

What are the key factors that form favorable soil for succulents?

Soil composition for Succulents

Every soil composition has got some basic features that make it desirable for a particular plant kind. As now we understand the essential requirements of succulents from their soil base, we can figure out the vital factor and ingredients that a soil mix should comply with or should possess.

Based on that, we can say that a favorable soil combination for succulents should have the following qualities:

It should be well Drained

By well-drained, we mean that soil should be able to drain out nicely, as succulents do not like excess moisture, overwatering and excess water harms these plants, rots their existence.

Therefore it is advisable to use the soil composition which withholds water for a limited time, mostly 1-1.5 days after watering.

Should be breathable and non-compacting

Like us, succulents also breathe; they need air, which they gather from leaves and roots. Dense soil blocks the air passage and availability around roots and also hampers the nourishment process of them.

Aerated soil has gaps among soil particles, which provide air movement across it, and also nutrients are available to the roots much easily.

A suitable mix of organic and inorganic ingredients

Soil combination for succulents forms from the desired mix of two kinds of items organic and inorganic. By organic, we mean things that are alive or were alive but now are dead like compost, moss, coconut coir, leaves, dead animals and insects, etc.

Organic items are superior for water retention, and mostly, the higher the organic material in soil higher is the moisture retention, and this is why a limited mix of organic material is advisable for succulents.

On the other hand, inorganic materials are the things that were never alive like clay, sand, etc. it’s general purpose is to add nutritional value to the soil, and are available in basically three textures large, medium, and small. The best soil composition is a perfect mix of organic and inorganic materials; succulents mostly prefer more inorganic material quantity than organic in soil.

Where to look for the required soil composition for succulents? Is it available easily?

  1. As now we know more about succulents and their soil requirement, we are much definite about what we need to look for for the proper foundation of our beauties.
  2. Succulents have become immensely popular these days, and that has made the availability of the items required for their nourishment easy.
  3. The market is full of soil mixes produced for a particular succulent type, and with that, you can also get the guidelines for planting.
  4. However, if the cost factor is coming into play or you want something more specific for your garden, you can prepare the appropriate soil mix for your succulent at home. It’s just that you will need some simple preparatory items for that.

Is homemade soil for succulents good enough?

Preparing soil mixture by ourselves might sound novice and inadequate, but sometimes it is quite essential and beneficial too. And the reason behind that is succulents are available in multiple varieties, and soil mixes suitable for all succulent types are also available in the market.

But, then there are circumstances like locality, weather, garden type, maintenance availability, container type, and size, etc. that may play a crucial role in deciding the right soil combination for your plant. Multiple expert tutorials are available online for learning its preparation method.

But definitely, you should search for the right one first, as small precautions are there like the ratio of clay, gravel, and sand, etc. You can also reach your local nursery or gardener for some tips.

After gathering the required knowledge, you can prepare the soil mixture comfortably and efficiently. It is more cost-effective sometimes but also brings you closer to your plants from the very beginning.

What ingredients do we need for that? What points do we need to care for while preparing soil mix at home?

Preparing soil combinations at home is a crucial task. One must take care of small things that can affect the preparation method and afterward procedure. Let me first introduce you to primary ingredients that constitute appropriate soil combination for succulents:

Best potting soil for succulents

It constitutes of material like peat moss, bark, organic items tec. It is the base for every planter soil mix. If specialized potting soil for succulents is not available, you can go for a regular one and can enhance with a mixture of the following items.

Coarse Sand

  • Sand in this mixture enhances the well-draining feature, as coarse sand that feels like grit has large enough molecules for water movement.
  • Do not use beach sand for it, as it is salty and can dry out your succulents pretty quickly. Fine construction sand is also not good as it holds water instead of giving passage to it; also, it may contain some skin irritating substances.

Perlite Soil

  • It is a lightweight addition for a soil mix that helps in achieving better drain, and also prevents soil compaction. It is a natural volcanic glass that helps in making soil light and airy.


  • They are pea-sized pebbles that help in having better drainage if we put a layer of it on the top. Its layer also looks very pretty and is preferred for decoration.

Like the mixture ratio of potting soil, sand, and perlite/pumice, mostly three parts of potting soil is favored, with two parts of coarse sand and 1-part of perlite for an effective combination.


While preparing effective soil for succulents, we need to care about the texture and porosity of the soil ingredients. As, it is crucial for the passage of air, water, and other nutrients. Another thing that we need to consider is whether we are going to plant our succulent indoor or outdoor, moisture content, sunlight, etc.

Succulent are pretty easy to take care of. Little preparations and small precautions can help you decorate your garden or home with vibrant colors of blooming succulents. Only you need to have lots of love for them and patience to see them flourish.

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